Re: Ein Ausblick auf kommende Ereignisse in der Nova Serie
- Zitat: Vao
Rick Remember unterschreibt exklusiv bei Marvel und hat grosses mit Frank vor |
Rick Remember unterschreibt exklusiv bei Marvel und hat grosses mit Frank vor |
Auf unbestimmte Zeit "on hiatus"
"Fear Agent on hiatus"
komischer Name für einen planeten!
"Fear Agent on hiatus" komischer Name für einen planeten! |
Auf unbestimmte Zeit "on hiatus" |
meine info war pause bis juli (oder so). darf er aber überhaupt fear agent weiter schreiben, wenn er marvel exklusiv ist? |
Exklusiv bedeutet doch meist nur "nicht für den großen Konkurrenten". Wenn er Zeit und Lust hat, kann er sicher noch Indie-Zeug schreiben.
This also seems like the perfect time to announce our Marvel Divas limited series, beginning in July, from Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Tonci Zonjic, featuring some of the Marvel Universes greatest female heroes in a way you havent seem them before.
Ill let Roberto explain:
The idea behind the series was to have some sudsy fun and lift the curtain a bit and take a peep at some of our most fabulous super heroines. In the series, they're an unlikely foursome of friends--Black Cat, Hell Cat, Firestar, and Photon--with TWO things in common: They're all leading double-lives and they're all having romantic trouble. The pitch started as "Sex and the City" in the Marvel Universe, and there's definitely that "naughty" element to it, but I also think the series is doing to a deeper place, asking question about what it means...truly be a woman in an industry dominated by testosterone and guns. (And I mean both the super hero industry and the comic book industry.) But mostly it's just a lot of hot fun."