X-Men News

Re: New Excalibur - Ende

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Re: New Excalibur - Ende

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Carey schreint neue X-Men Serie

Eine Xavier soloserie und es wird ein Beast: Mythos One Shot geben.

You have a new book in the works …

Yes, I’m going to … spinning out of Messiah CompleX I’m going to be doing a very different kind of book, a solo book or sorts, a solo book with a very large supporting cast.

This is the X-Men Legacy book?

X-Men Legacy, yes. We’re taking a character who’s been in the X-Men universe pretty much since day one and has a really, really fundamental place in X-Men lore.

Can I take a guess at who it is?

You can, but [laughter] I’m not going to tell you if you’re right or not

Professor X

Could be. [both laugh]

It’s a lovely idea for a book and we’re going to do some very cool things with it. One of the things that I’m happiest about is that it allows me to take forward some of the beats that I was setting up in Adjectiveless X-Men. So that’s in the pipeline.

What can you tell us about the cast for X-Men Legacy?

That's a hard question to answer, because arguably if I'm doing it right pretty much everyone in X-Men continuity is going to come in at one point or another. But I'm planning to bring two female characters - one old, one new - in for some pretty profound and revelatory beats. And there's a triumvirate of X-Men villains who play a crucial part at different times: the grand old men, in some ways.

The new female character - is that a brand new character of your own creation or someone who's just fairly new in comics terms, and fairly new to the X-Men?

The latter. Someone recently introduced who I find very compelling, and whose backstory has never really been more than hinted at.

Will any of the the villainous triumverate appear as allies of the lead character?

At certain points in the story they're part of a shared project, as you might say - not allies, but travellers on the same road.

Given the specifics of the cast and your options for weaving in additional characters - is it fair to say that this is the X-book you've always wanted to write? How much latitude do you have in the direction and cast of this book?

This is... a unique proposition, in a lot of ways. Very exciting, and very unlike the other books in the line. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and I'm being given a lot of creative freedom. The constraints come in a different way, from the actual core concept of the book. This is material that has to be handled very carefully. But if I can pull it off it will be tremendous.

With your work on X-Men Legacy … does that mean you’ll be coming off Adjectiveless or that Adjectiveless is stopping altogether?

I’m not sure exactly what’s still to be announced but it’s fair to say that there’s going to be a fundamental shake up of the line that will leave all of the books redefined. Some books will stop, some books will launch. My involvement with the whole X-Men franchise is going to be fundamentally changed. I’m still going to be there – I love the characters, I love the books, I love playing in this sandbox.

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Re: Way weg

Damit ist wohl klar, dass Way Ghost Rider verläßt! Freut mich.

Re: New Excalibur - Ende

Hast du mir Angst gemacht!


Re: Way weg ?

Wäre zumindest geil, ja. Aber das hätte ich erst mal gerne von den Marvel - Leuten bestätigt.

Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:


Re: New Excalibur - Ende

Und wenn er die X-Men schreiben sollte, dürfte dir das doch gefallen oder ?

Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:


Re: New Excalibur - Ende


Daniel Way sucked! Und zwar gewaltig!

Sorry, aber Way sucked und zwar gewaltig. Er ist einfach nur schlecht. Man kann es drehen und wenden wie man will, er ist ungefähr so talentiert wie ein betrunkener Schimpanse.


Daniel Way sucked und zwar massiv!

Entgegen aller meiner Post, hast DU ja keinen sooooo schlechten Geschmack, aber mit Way setzt Du definitiv auf das falsche Pferd. In drei Jahren weiss kein Schwein mehr, wer Way überhaupt war.


Re: Daniel Way sucked und zwar massiv!

Das klingt nach Vao 2004-2005 als ich noch grosser Anti-Way Fan war.