X-Men News

Re: Millar & McNiven an Wolverine

Ich freu mich auf Millar und McNiven an Wolverine. Die beiden sind ein super kreativ Team.
Und ich mag postapocalyptische Geschichten sehr. Für mich könnte es also nicht besser kommen.

Re: Millar & McNiven an Wolverine

ich hätte Millar gerne an einem anderen Titel gesehen, zumal Wolverine ja schon mal da war... auch dieses Zukunftsszenario klingt im ersten Moment erstmal etwas uninspiriert und hätte besser in eine Mini/Maxi-Serie gepaßt als in die Ongoing, aber das Team Millar/McNiven ist natürlich immer einen Kauf wert!


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: Millar & McNiven an Wolverine

Du vergisst, dass die Story Teil eines Crossovers mit den restlichen Millar Titeln ist, wie er im Interview erzählt. Das kommt viel besser in der Ongoing.

Re: Millar & McNiven an Wolverine

Für vao tut mir das in diesem Fall echt aufrichtig leid.

Mir kommt das gar nicht mal so ungelegen. Garney hätte mich echt in Versuchung führen können, die Serie weiterzulesen.

Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:


Re: Millar & McNiven an Wolverine

Hier gibt es ein weiteres längeres Interview mit Millar über seinen bevorstehenden Wolverine Run:

Phoenix Rising?

Phoenix Rising?

Die eigentliche Frage: Wer hat das gezeichnet? David Finch?



Re: Phoenix Rising?

Ja, und es ist mit Sicherheit Teil der X-MEN: LEGACY Coverserie von ihm!

(Ha, mich kann man nicht so leicht hinters Licht führen, Mr. Quesada! )


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

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Re: Millar & McNiven an Wolverine

Also einen Finch erkannt man doch sofort.
I love it, boom!


"SCALPED is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time." -Ed Brubaker

Gail über ihren deadpool run

I did, for five issues, right before the run ended.

It was kind of a weird deal, my first ongoing assignment. Joe Q was GREAT, he asked me to pitch personally, and the first editors were also fantastic. I loved it.

Marvel got a little mad at Rob Liefeld, I guess, and asked me to kill Deadpool, and relaunch the book with a new character. I argued the point but had no power and in those days, Bill Jemas' whims pretty much ruled the day (which is fine, he was the boss). So I did the last issue, but I left a backdoor, a way to bring Deadpool back because I knew the whole idea was just an angry impulse and both Marvel and the readers would want him back.

The relaunched book was Agent X, which was a lot of fun and sold much better than anyone thought (and was the only one of several similar relaunched to hold the increase in sales). Then I quit the book (creative differences with the new editor) and they had some fill-ins and decided to cancel the book for reasons having nothing to do with sales (it was the X-in the title, ironically, something that had been forced upon us).

But the cool thing is, once that editor was gone (and he's not a villain in this story,we just didn't agree on anything, so it's as much or more my fault as anyone's) Marvel did a very classy thing and asked me back to finish the story properly with the original artist. I am always going to be grateful for that, that was completely cool of them. And Joe Q is still a good friend to this day.

I miss the characters a lot, and working with the artist, Alvin Lee. I haven't done a straight comedy book since, really, and I miss that, too. Love what I'm doing, though. You can't beat Wonder Woman!


Re: Millar & McNiven an Wolverine

Next week’s Uncanny X-Men has a huge spoiler in it. I read the advanced copy at my store and holy [expletive deleted for the sensitive ones]. I would avoid it if you don’t want the end of Whedon and Cassaday’s arc ruined.

Re: Uncanny spoilt Astonishing!

Danke für den Hinweis! Ich werde um das Heft einen Bogen machen, solange das Giant Size Astonishing noch nicht draußen ist.

WWLA: Neues Kreativteam ab #500 ist

Und das neue Kreativteam heisst...

Autoren: Ed Brubaker und Matt Fraction
Zeichner: Greg Land Terry Dodson

Homer hatte also Recht und Hobies Tip mit Daniel Way war falsch.

@vao: *high five*

