X-Men News

Re: X-Men News

Ausser Colossus, Lockheed oder Cassandra nova wird niemand dort bleiben und die haben ja fast null Einfluss, O'Brien meinte hier jedoch dass da ja alles an einem Tag abgeht Season 2, keine andere X-Serie darauf bezug nehmen muss, was ja auf die Uncanny X-Men ja nicht zutrifft, da diese länger weg sind.

Re: X-Men News

Wenn man sich die komplette Rezi von O'Brien durchliest, kommt seine Intention besser raus. Und nach der Lektüre muss ich ihm teilweise sogar recht geben. Die Verzögerungen bei AXM stören gewaltig.

Danke für den Link Vao! Die X-Axis Seite kannte ich bis heute gar nicht. Die Reviews dort sind echt gut.

Re: X-Men News

Mike Carey über seine X-Pläne der nahen Zukunft und wie er sein Team sieht!


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: X-Men News

Wooohoooh danke für den Link zu dem Interview, die Previewpages zu den kommenden Ausgaben sind der Wahnsinn, und erst dieses Bachalo Cover...


"SCALPED is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time." -Ed Brubaker

Re: X-Men News

Mike Choi über X-23: Target X:;f=36;t=005875

Nico Henrichon an New X-Men!

Für eine Magik Story und Blindfold bei den New X-Men wäre cool, das einzig gute aus AXM

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Großansicht - speichern

Re: X-Men News

Das erste Bild von Kitty Pryde.

Interview mit Schmidt

Which characters became focal points of upcoming events during the summit?

SCHMIDT: There’s always Wolverine. [Laughs] I think Cyclops is going to be really cool. I’m pretty sure people are going to take a liking to Hellion from New X-Men. I hope they’re going to like the entire X-Factor team, but Jamie Madrox is always fun and I think a lot of fans don’t really realize his potential, but we’ll see some of that in the events coming up. Some older characters will be coming back into the fold, like Sunfire and Gambit. I think Wolfsbane and Warpath will surprise some people. X-23 will have a significant role.

Speaking of those other problems, when are we going to see the X-Men actively deal with Decimation and the fact that only 198 mutants remain?

SCHMIDT: The X-Men Annual is a sneak peek at things to come. Starting in June with X-Men #200—which is gonna rock—we’ll be starting a series of backup stories collectively called “Endangered Species.” Those are going to be driving home the point of what it means when your race has 198 living beings in it and there aren’t anymore coming. What does that mean? How do you deal with that personally? How do they deal with it globally? Do they try and reverse what happened? We’re really going to see that coming home, and the events of X-Men #200 and Uncanny #487 will start new story arcs. You’ve essentially got three new stories starting in June, and for X-Men fans they are all stories you’re going to want to read, because they start building to where this is all going and what this all means. It is all actually going somewhere; it wasn’t just [Marvel] as a company deciding we had too many mutants. There’s more of a story here than we first thought.

ow some of the X-Men have been off in outer space, some have been off on their own—will we see them all together again anytime soon?

SCHMIDT: We will be seeing that soon, sooner than you think actually. This is a great segue for me to plug World War Hulk: X-Men, which is a three-issue miniseries taking place during “World War Hulk,” obviously. Chris Gage will be writing it, Andrea Di Vito will be providing art and the covers will be by Ed McGuinness.

I have faith you’ll work him in there somehow

SCHMIDT: I’ll give his helmet to Xavier. [Laughs] So yeah, there will be a Hulk/X-Men fight and you will see many X-Men together. To answer the question more globally, you will see more of the X-Men coming together. For one thing: Ed’s team doesn’t stay out in space forever. Rogue’s team will also be headed back to the mansion relatively soon. You will see a lot more interplay.

Next up: Cable.

SCHMIDT: If you’re interested in what’s going on with Cable, read X-Men #200. If you’re not interested in Cable, you will be after you read X-Men #200. [Laughs]

Okay, one last chance to get people excited about the X-Men with something you haven’t mentioned yet—go!

SCHMIDT: [Pauses] Yeah, all right: the Marauders.

Re: X-Men News

Klingt doch alles recht vielversprechend!


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: X-Men News

Stimme Legacy zu...wobei ich mir eigentlich gewünscht hätte, dass man einen Brubaker Nachfolger ankündigt Glaube langsam, dass Brubaker weiter an Uncanny bleibt


Re: X-Men News

stimmt auch! Habe letztens irgendwo gelesen (war´s der Wizard?), dass Bru noch Pläne jenseits der SHI´AR G´schicht hat!


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: X-Men News

Da hast du recht! Details kann man in diesem Thread nachlesen.