Montenegro: Neuanfang und Verpflichtung - Firmen Engagement

Firmengründung in Montenegro

Firmengründung in Montenegro

Hier passen Beiträge mit aktuellen Infos zur Gründung von Firmen in Montenegro hin.

Re: Firmengründung in Montenegro

A company or an enterprise is incorporated according to a Memorandum of Association (two or more founders) or a Decision on Incorporation (one founder).

These documents are to be in written form, signed and registered. The incorporation procedure is the same for all types of companies or enterprises.

The Memorandum of Association or the Decision on Incorporation has to include the following (depending on the type of enterprise, these documents need to include other obligatory elements):

1. the name and the address of the company;
2. the founder's name and address. When the founder is a physical entity - the name, address, and the personal ID number of that person;
3. the business activities of the company;
4. the invested/founding capital;
5. mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the founder and the companyor the enterprise;
6. the conditions and the manner of distribution of profit, as well as risk covering;
7. the representation of a company or an enterprise;
8. environmental protection, and
9. other provisions stipulated by the Company Law.

The founders' signatures on the founding acts have to be registered-verified by the authorized court. The verification procedure may also be performed at a Serbia and Montenegro consulate abroad.

Depending on the intended business activities of a company or an enterprise, before it starts operations some of the following inspection approvals should be obtained:
- The Market Inspection;
- The Sanitary Inspection;
- The Labor Inspection, and
- The Environmental Inspection.

The inspections are supposed to verify whether the stipulated conditions for the intended activities of a company or an enterprise have been met. If all the conditions for the intended activities have been met, the appropriate permits are issued.

The incorporation of a company or an enterprise follows a Decree of the authorized Commercial Court's Registry Department (according to the address of the registered office), after the founding act has been signed and verified and after all the permits and approvals have been granted.

The following documents have to be submitted to the Commercial Court Registry Department:
1. the incorporation application form with all the required enclosures;
2. the Memorandum of Association or the Decision on Incorporation ;
3. the proof of payment of initial capital or founder's share;
4. the verified signatures, deposited as registered entries, of authorized representatives of the enterprise/company to be registered;
5. the Articles of Association of the enterprise or company in question.

As soon as the court verifies that all the legal conditions have been met, it issues the Decree of Incorporation of the enterprise. This Decree with all its enclosures is then deposited with the appropriate Registration Department. The Court Registry informs the Federal Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the registration of foreign investment, for the purpose of keeping records.

After this Decree has been granted, an official note of incorporation is deposited with the Statistical Office of Serbia and Montenegro. For a company engaged in foreign trade, an official note is also deposited with the Serbian Customs Bureau.

Finally, a company or an enterprise has to open an account with a commercial bank of its own choice.

(aus Invest In Serbia, vermutlich 2003)


Joint Stock Company (A.D.) is a company incorporated by legal entities or individuals for conducting business activities, whose initial capital is set and divided into shares of specified face value.

A Joint Stock Company may be incorporated by:

the buying up of all the shares through the incorporating procedure, without issuing a prospectus - simultaneous establishment, or

the issue of a prospectus intended for third persons - successive establishment.

The pecuniary portion of the initial capital of a joint-stock company to be formed simultaneously shall not be less than the YUM equivalent of 10,000 USD, and the pecuniary portion of the initial capital of a joint-stock company to be formed successively shall not be less than the YUM equivalent of 20,000 USD, calculated on the basis of the exchange rate in effect on the date of payment.

The pecuniary formation investment of any shareholder shall not be less than the YUM equivalent of 500 USD, calculated on the basis of the exchange rate in effect on the payment date.

The minimum par value of a share shall not be less than the YUM equivalent of 5.00 USD.

A Joint Stock Company established through simultaneous establishment may be founded even by a single individual or legal entity. A Joint Stock Company to be founded by successive establishment must be founded by at least two founders.

Shares are denominated in equal pecuniary value. They are issued to the bearer or as registered shares. The shares may be either ordinary (common), or preference (privileged) shares. Holders of ordinary shares may participate in the management of a company, as well as in the sharing of the profit or the liquidation of equity. Holders of preference shares have certain priority rights in the collection of corresponding amounts (percentages) of the nominal value of shares. They also have priority over holders of ordinary shares regarding collection if the company is liquidated, as well as other rights specified by the federal legal regulations on shares and equities and the articles of association. Shares which entitle holders to a dividend only may be issued only as preference (privileged) shares, and their nominal value may not exceed 49% of the initial capital of a Joint Stock Company.

Shares are securities which may be traded according to the appropriate legal regulations. Holders may sell their shares.
The investment by shareholders may be in cash, or in kind (property and rights), expressed in pecuniary value. The asset holders must pay at least 50% of the pecuniary portion of the initial capital, or 50% of the pecuniary holding of each shareholder before the incorporating meeting of the company is held, and the remainder must be paid within two years of the date of entry in the register. If the pecuniary part of the initial capital exceeds 25,000 USD in the case of simultaneous founding, or 50,000 USD in the case of successive founding, it is necessary to pay at least 20% before the incorporating meeting is held.

The time limit for subscription may not exceed three months from the subscription opening date. If all shares on offer have not been subscribed and paid for, the founders may themselves subscribe to the shares which remain, within 15 days of the expiration of the three-month period. If the shares on offer are not subscribed and paid for during this time period, the incorporation is considered to have failed. The founders are then obliged to return to the subscribers, within 8 days, the amounts paid as well as the interest in assets and property. If the share subscription has been done successively, the founders then issue certificates on subscription to the share subscribers. The founders must convene the first General Meeting (the Incorporation Meeting) within 60 days of the expiry of the time limit for the taking up of shares, as set out in the prospectus.

A Joint Stock Company is incorporated in a court of law when the court establishes that:
1. the Incorporation Meeting has been convened and held in accordance with the Law on Companies;
2. the complete amount of the required initial capital has been subscribed and paid in accordance with the law;
3. the non-pecuniary shares have been transferred to the company being established, unless stated otherwise in the founding act;
4. the permission for the public issue - prospectus has been granted by the relevant authorities.

(aus Invest in Serbia, vermutlich 2003)


A Limited Liability Company is a company established by individuals or legal entities, whose founders are not liable for the company's obligations, but are liable for the business of the company up to the value of their stakes in the company.

A Limited Liability Company shall have its own Articles of Association.

The pecuniary part of the initial capital of a limited liability company shall not be less than the Dinars equivalent of 5,000 USD. No member's pecuniary formation investment may be less than the Dinars equivalent of 500 USD, calculated at the exchange rate in effect on the payment date. Investments in a limited liability company may not be in the form of Dinar and services.

Equity holders of such companies have equity in the company according to their stake. Every equity holder may have only one stake, but the stake may have a value of more than one vote. Equity may not be expressed in shares.

A Limited Liability Company may also be founded by a single founder.

The equity of members of a Limited Liability Company does not have to be of equal value. The stakes must be subscribed in full before a company has been registered with the authorized court, and may be expressed in money, property and rights which are assigned a monetary value. At least 50% of the founding capital and at least 50% of the equity of every founder must be paid before the incorporation. The balance is to be paid within two years of the company's incorporation, according to the Memorandum of Association. If the pecuniary capital exceeds 15,000 USD, at least 20% of this sum should be paid before a company is incorporated.

(aus Invest in Serbia, vermutlich 2003)

Firmengründung in Montenegro

Körperschaftssteuer 14% und unter bestimmten Bedingungen verschieden lange Steuerbefreiungen und - vergünstigungen
sollte doch zum Tätigwerden einladen !?

Re: Firmengründung in Montenegro

wie sind denn die aktuellen bedingungen für gmbh gründung in cg ?

Re: Firmengründung in Montenegro

habe dazu mal im internet angefragt, bei antwort stelle ich die info natürlich sofort ein.

... handeln statt behandeln lassen ...

 Re: Firmengründung in Montenegro

Nun kein problem habe selber eine gmbh!
grösstevorraussetzung wenn man alleingründer eigentümer
sein möchte!montenegrinische staatsbürgerschaft!
ansonsten muss man sich als mitgründer % beteiligen.
guten rechtsanwalt braucht man auch noch, den entsprechenden markt und einen sehr guten buchhalter!
so einfach wie hier ist es unter allerding nicht, auch
der weg zur gründung lange behördengänge!

Re: Firmengründung in Montenegro

danke für die info.
sind ja nicht die besten bedingungen.
und nicht gerade eine gute einladung an investoren,
dort beschäftigung zu unterstützen.
bürokratie ist also noch eigene behinderung des landes.
wie sieht es denn aus, wenn man eine niederlassung
einer firma aus deutschland oder england in
montenegro machen will ?

... handeln statt behandeln lassen ...

Firmengründung in Montenegro

Da gab es eigentlich mehr im Nebensatz in einem anderen Forum die Frage nach Firma in CG gründen.
... ---- Firma in CG aufmachen ???? ---?ja, ist noch aktuell: allerdings sind ja "bad news", solche Erfahrungen.?Gibt es da generell solche Probleme oder ist das von der Branche abhängig ?

Offensichtlich sind da die Erfahrungen vollig anders, als das, was vielleicht geschrieben steht.
Im Internet vom Sommer 2005 steht da noch irgendwo, dass in CG die kürzeste Zeit für Firmengründung von 10 Tagen ab Antragstellung anzutreffen ist. Am 4.1.2005 ist die Zuständigkeit von den Gerichten auf die Agentur für die Registrierung von Unternehmen übergegangen.
Für Aktiengesellschaft 10.000 und für GmbH 500 Euro Stammkapital dürfte sich aber mit der zu erwartenden neuen Gesetzgebung ändern.
Wie auch immer, anderswo sind dolle Abweichungen von Schreiben und Tun auch nix Neues.
Kannst Du gerne machen......
nimm meinen Anhang im Forum noch dazu....
ist eine kurze zusammenfassung meiner pers. Erfahrungen.
Grüsse Sandi

... handeln statt behandeln lassen ...