Re: Sunrise Avenue
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Konzertkritik vom Konzert in Köln:
Sunrise Avenue bringen Essigfabrik zum kochen
Musik und Konzerte, 27.04.2011, Marc Wiegand
Köln. Vor 1300 frenetischen Zuschauern präsentieren Sunrise Avenue in der Essigfabrikdie Songs ihres neuen Albums Out Of Style. Ein Meilenstein in der Musikgeschichte ist der Silberling sicher nicht, doch eignen sich die gnadenlos eingängigen Pop-Rock-Nummern vortrefflich für eine respektable Live-Show.
Wie können Beethovens Freude schöner Götterfunken, der Disko-Kracher Everybody Dance Now und die deutsche Nationalhymne am selben Abend auf der selben Bühne erklingen? Nun ja, Sunrise Avenue schaffen es bei ihrem ausverkauften Gastspiel in der Essigfabrik, Auszüge dieser prägnanten Tonfolgen mehr oder weniger nachvollziehbar in ihren Songs zu platzieren. Das Gros der Show gleicht jedoch keinesfalls einer turbulenten Zeitreise durch die musikalischen Epochen. Vielmehr setzen die sympathischen Finnen auch mit ihrem Dritten Album Qut Of Style konsequent auf das bewährte Erfolgsrezept mit überschaubarem Innovationsgrad: gnadenlos eingängige Pop-Rock-Nummern in glatt polierten Arrangements.
Vor etwa 1300 begeisterten Zuschauern unterstreicht die mit Platin prämierte Band dabei ihre ernstgemeinten Bühnen-Ambitionen. Sunrise Avenue wollen offenkundig nicht nur Dauergast in den Charts sein, sondern sich parallel dazu auch langfristig den Status einer respektablen Live-Band sichern.
Habers Stimme als Seele der Songs
Ihr größter Trumpf ist ihr Frontmann mit dem klangvollen Namen Samu Haber. Das markant-tiefe Organ des charismatischen Blondschopfs fungiert als identitätsstifftendes Element der Songs, bildet quasi deren Seele. Während der Rest der Band druckvolle Klangteppiche erzeugt, die sich unweigerlich in majestätische Refrains auflösen, brilliert Haber mit beachtlicher Präsenz und solider Intonation. Da seine Stimme live noch eine Spur rauher aus den Boxen dringt als in den Aufnahmen, kommen auch die Melodielinien, die aus der Feder eines Schlagerkomponisten stammen könnten, nicht zu seicht daher.
Kennt ihr denn den Text schon?, fragt Haber rhetorisch, bevor er den aktuellen Hit Hollywood Hills anstimmt. Natürlich können die meisten der vorwiegend weiblichen Fans bereits Zeile für Zeile mitjohlen. Gleiches gilt erwartungsgemäß für den Band-Klassiker Fairytale Gone Bad, der jedoch nicht den Höhepunkt des Programms darstellt. Ein mit Tiefe und Melancholie behaftetes Forever Yours überbietet den Superhit um Längen. Und das unermüdlich nach vorne rockende Choose To Be Me markiert bereits vor den beiden Zugaben das vorweggenommene Finale. Den Rest der 90-minütigen Show könnten Sunrise Avenue vermutlich auch mit sperrigen Free-Jazz-Kakophonien bestreiten. Der beinahe ekstatischen Stimmung würde dies keinen Abbruch tun.
Der Frontmann spricht vom besten Abend des Jahres
So wirkt es dann auch wenig anbiedernd, wenn Haber euphorisch vom bis dato besten Abend des Jahres spricht. Zufrieden strahlt der Sänger, der aussieht als wäre er geradewegs in einen Rasensprenger spaziert, in die Menge.
Und als hätte die Finnen geahnt, welche karibische Hitze sie in der Essigfabrik entfachen, zaubern sie passend dazu auch noch ein witziges Reggae-Medley hervor: eine wohltuende Erfrischung gerade im Hinblick auf die musikalische Abwechslung.
Paar Bilder von gestern von Stuggi
Edit: Habe die "privaten" Bilder rausgenommen da sie leider auf anderen Seiten auftauchen...ihr habt sie ja alles gesehn
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Heut kommen mal nur die langsameren Stücke
Hier von Stuttgart...was fürs Herz und....sooooo tiiiieeeef sooooo much mooooore
On Da Road!
.von Sunrise Avenue, Montag, 2. Mai 2011 um 03:33.Ahhhh
What a trip this has been. I have been on a few tours before but now with the new songs, great weather and super cool audiences, its been better than ever before. I dont know if its the fact that were feeling more confident with the new song mixture, but I have to say I have never felt this good about any trip until now and the whole tour has been just awesome!!!
We started this trip on Thursday 12 days ago in Vienna with this little acoustic concert together with T-Mobile. It was actually a great way of getting back together with our crew and the rest of the band with a lot of time to fix all the technical stuff after a long break with shows. In Vienna we played only 45 minutes of acoustic rock, mostly new albums songs and it was just super great. We had a lot of Emi and other business folks with us there and the night was pretty long. As usual
I must admit I had missed the guys and the crew a lot on the promo trips. I was mostly alone then. Its so great to hear the good old priceless below the belt tour jokes again Tuomas, Mikko, Mp, Basty, Possu-Karri, merch-Toby and our new lightning engineer Pornokeisari-Timo are definitely the gang to travel with. Not to mention our dear teddy bear driver Brian, who looks exactly like Brian from Back street boys.
The real tour started in Berlin on Saturday after Vienna and after that we have already played Hamburg, Cologne, Halle, Stuttgart and Zurich tonight. I remember doing the first shows with the previous album (Popgasm) and then it was a bit hard getting the right track order together for the shows. This time it felt so right from the very beginning. I was a bit worried when I planned the start of the set at home before the trip, since there were 5 new albums songs in the beginning. Doesnt seem to bother anyone in the audience and its just so amazing how the people have taken the new stuff. We still play the new songs pretty much the same way theyre arranged on the album, but every day at the sound check someone has new ideas how to boost up (or to poison the songs. Today we focused on playing the Finnish ever greens, such as Mandoliinimies and Juices Rakkauden ammattilainen at the sound check. The local Swiss tech crew must have thought we are a cheap schlager band
Touring in the summer / late spring is super great. Its so nice to hang out at the back stages, have a walk down town on the afternoon and to sit outside after the show shower fresh with a beer or diet coke. The only minus is the heat in the rooms. Some of the clubs, especially Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne were so hot that we nearly fainted on stage. And a few people actually did in the audience. Sometimes its funny how someone gets carried out from the audience and they seem pretty dead somewhere at the emergency area behind the stage. As soon as a band member walks by after the show, a miracle healing happens and they wake up again for a photo together
I usually sleep pretty badly because I worry and think about music business things and stuff but on this trip I have been in bed at around 2 AM and I have slept like a baby until the morning every night. Maybe the good atmosphere and great shows have given me good the sleep. And of course I have been dead tired after sweating my bony ass off on stage too. I have actually thought of writing a blog many nights but sand man just got me every time before I could hit my key board.
On Friday we were in Görisried, not the biggest metropolis in the world, but a very very cozy and cool place. The first thing I saw in the morning was a horse (from behind
) and there were huge fields of flowers and the air was super fresh. The catering folks served us lamb meat and other stuff straight from the village and even though I am not a natural food guy, I must admit it tasted better than anywhere else. We played this festival in this huge tent for 6000 people and the mood was just super great. I was actually amazed tat they got so much people in the tent (Village population 1.500) and they all sang and partied with us the whole night. After our performance we enjoyed the show of a local cover band called the Shark, and they even played Hollywood Hills. One of the best cover bands EVER, Go check them out!!! I almost jumped on stage when I heard the beginning of our song but then I thought I should not spoil their show. At that time I didnt know the guys that well and I thought it could have been rude. The night together with the Shark-band guys was long and we were pretty tired the next day. It was the 5th show day in a row so you can understand.
We were supposed to have a day off in Zurich but we flew to Cologne instead with Riku, Raul & Osmo to this charity event and we played a couple of acoustic songs with Riku on stage in the evening. Because of the timing problems they had arranged a private jet for us from Zurich and our private pilot waited for us over night in Cologne and we flew back to Switzerland in the afternoon today. I first thought of saying no to the event, but then we heard that theyre collecting money for poor children and since the organization behind the thing seems to be a good one, we could not say no. This is more important than shopping in Zurich. And we saved our shopping money for flowers to mom on mothers day next weekend. And of course its always cool to fly with an 8-seater Jet. I was the flight attendant serving coffee
Sami had a meeting with the Swiss drum people and he couldnt join us. And thanx to the charity guys for sending 3 limousines for us for the whole time. We could have done with one
So now I am in the upper front lounge of the bus somewhere between Munich and Saltzburg on my way to Vienna for the last show. I must say I dont remember feeling this relaxed & happy with the band ever and the shows have been just amazing. I hope someone got a picture of the HUGE Sunrise Avenue Swiss Crew flag hanging from the balcony tonight and also hopefully someone filmed Rauls dance moves Thanx Swiss girls for making my wish come true. Raul needs to dance
Much MORE!
Thank you everyone so so so much for the great evenings together again. One more show to go, kinda sad
We will give you everything we have left in our systems on stage for you tomorrow at Vienna Arena. I hope theres some time for shopping before the sound check. There is a very cool shop in the center, dont remember the name, but Ill kill my credit card there for sure. I also hope my local friend Big Alex will be waiting for us tomorrow with his Porsche Magnum and I can drive. 560 Horse power, ahhhh
Good night everyone & Rock you soon,
PS. Thank you Finland & Germany / Universal & EMI folks for the gold awards. You have no idea how cool it feels. Thank You!!!
PPS: Its not too bad playing a guitar with the Finnish Champions logo on stage every night
ai ai ai IFK
Malgo?? Wo ist dein Bericht aus Vienna?
bin ja seeeehr faul in der hinsicht rinilein - sorry.. zu meiner entschuldigung
gibt es info dass wir gerade wieder hundebabies bekommen haben
und die zeit war einfach nicht wirklich da... mal gucke vllt pack ichs
ganz kurz am wochenende.. :o)
ich habs grad beim amazon entdeckt (naja vermutlich wissen es schon eh
alle lol) sa ist künstler der woche und bis 12. kann man sogar was gewinnen
(meet&greet) .. und liebe bilder haben sie dort auch.. :))
Meet & Greet mit Sunrise Avenue gewinnen
SunriseAvenue und EMI Music Germany verlosen ein Meet & Greet
mit Sunrise Avenue inklusive Konzertbesuch.
Nehmen Sie bis zum 12. Mai 2011 am Gewinnspiel teil.
bin ich brav als neuling?
Sehr brav
Klaro hammer schon mitgemacht UNd ja wir geben dir ja gern ne Fristverlängerung. Die Hundebabies haben ntürlich Vorrang