Where dreams come true - English corner

Hey ya outside

Re: Hey ya outside

girl????are you sure you read what I write?? I said nothinh bad about westlife here, because I promised lara and denise...someone has got a little to much fantasy...

Love ain*t nothing but a four letter word...

Re: Hey ya outside

maybe it´s better to improve your english as well......your english as well isn´t that perfect you might think.....anyway arguements about the bad or good english aren´t welcome here.....the only thing you have to look for is that everybody can understand you

It´s about a guy that´s been fooled again and he can´t believe that he´s the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he´s the fool again... (Mark talking ´bout Fool Again)

Re: Hey ya outside

I never said my english was perfect...it is always funny to see the difference between what one says and what other ppl read

Love ain*t nothing but a four letter word...

Re: Hey ya outside

i know that you have never ever have said something like that......but you are critizising the more or less bad english of the others.....so that was all i wanted to say about you

It´s about a guy that´s been fooled again and he can´t believe that he´s the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he´s the fool again... (Mark talking ´bout Fool Again)

Re: Hey ya outside

I only said "improve your english" got a problem with that?

Love ain*t nothing but a four letter word...

Re: Hey ya outside

I'm only able to say: STOP ARGUEING!!!!!!!! I don't want to see you fighting!!!! Steff, do u really think that the way u're talking is polite???? If yes, I am sorry, but then I've got to tell you that it isn't!! K, Hun?!

*~ Proud Markzi-Clan Member ~*~

Read my FF "Love doesn't have to hurt"!!!
#37 Nixtas and proud of it!!!

~*~ Proud Markzi Clan Member ~*~
#37 Nixtas
#1 Nixys and proud 2 b da founder
°..° Gemeinheiten sind wie ein Bumerang - Irgendwann kommen sie wieder zurück! °..°

Re: Hey ya outside

Erm, forgot one thing.....*hehe*! Eva isn't SINA! Do you understand me, Steff?

*~ Proud Markzi-Clan Member ~*~

Read my FF "Love doesn't have to hurt"!!!
#37 Nixtas and proud of it!!!

~*~ Proud Markzi Clan Member ~*~
#37 Nixtas
#1 Nixys and proud 2 b da founder
°..° Gemeinheiten sind wie ein Bumerang - Irgendwann kommen sie wieder zurück! °..°

Re: Hey ya outside

marina did you read all I wrote? I already said sorry for mixing up names...

Love ain*t nothing but a four letter word...

Re: Hey ya outside

So...finished?? Goood! I don't want to hear more bout this conversation, okay?? It's enough!!!

Dumdidumdidum kp was für ne Sig ich machen soll....Dumdidumdidum

Re: Hey ya outside

Ya, ya, calm down, you two!
@ Steff: Yes, I read everthing you wrote! Alright? Ok, now I've just gotta say: Don't get me wrong! :D ! I don't mean bad! I just say what's on my mind! I don't fight you!

*~ Proud Markzi-Clan Member ~*~

Read my FF "Love doesn't have to hurt"!!!
#37 Nixtas and proud of it!!!

~*~ Proud Markzi Clan Member ~*~
#37 Nixtas
#1 Nixys and proud 2 b da founder
°..° Gemeinheiten sind wie ein Bumerang - Irgendwann kommen sie wieder zurück! °..°