Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Außenpolitik

Israel wird tatsälich ein NATO Mitglieder geworden

Israel wird tatsälich ein NATO Mitglieder geworden

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen received Israel’s president Shimon Peres at NATO headquarters in Brussels on March 7.

The order of the day: to enhance military cooperation between Israel and the Atlantic Alliance focusing on issues of counter-terrorism.

“Israel will be happy to share the knowledge it has gained and its technological abilities with NATO. Israel has experience in contending with complex situations, and we must strengthen the cooperation so we can fight global terror together and assist NATO with the complex threats it faces including in Afghanistan. “

Ein Interessante Artikel

"The moral weight of the Nazi genocide cannot be overstated, but let us work to ensure that our engagement with its memory advances the cause of collective liberation, rather than an illusory liberation for some gained only through the imposition of violence, indignities, and suffering upon others."

More Americans Sympathize with Israel, Don’t Want U.S. to Lead Peace Talks

Many more Americans continue to side with Israel rather than the Palestinian Authority, but – with President Obama’s first visit there days away – most also prefer to leave peace negotiations to the two protagonists, rather than having the United States take the lead.

Fifty-five percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll sympathize more with Israel, vs. 9 percent who side more with the Palestinian Authority, with the rest favoring neither, or undecided. It’s been a similar gap for many years, including polling back to the 1980s testing Israel vs. the Arab nations of the Middle East.

Siemens Korruption bis Israel ...

Israel arrested a former judge suspected of receiving millions of dollars in bribes as he arrived back in the country on Sunday after being extradited from Peru, authorities said.
...... Cohen served as a district judge between 1978 and 1981 and a director at state-run utility Israel Electric Corp between 1993 and 2004.

He was indicted in a number of affairs, including bribery connected with an IEC tender worth hundreds of millions of dollars for gas turbines in 1999. Siemens was one of the bidders, submitting its offer via its Israeli subsidiary.

The ISA said Cohen used his influence and status at IEC to guarantee Siemens, which was bidding against General Electric, a win in exchange for about 1 million euros ($1.3 million) that would be deposited in a foreign bank account.

Anti-Obama protesters scuffle with police

Palestinian Authority police scuffled on Tuesday with scores of demonstrators protesting against the visit of US President Barack Obama to the occupied West Bank later this week.

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Apartheid nennt sich das, was wir heute haben

Ein neues Buch zur Boykott-Kampagne: Israel erinnert in manchem an das frühere Südafrika. Ein Gespräch mit Omar Barghouti

As US President Barack Obama arrived in Israel,

activists set up 15 tents on a hillside near the site of the Bab al-Shams protest village that Israeli forces tore down in January.

They have named the new neighborhood Ahfad Younis, after the main character in the novel Bab al-Shams.

In a statement, the activists described the initiative as “first, to claim our right as Palestinians to return to our lands and villages, second, to claim our sovereignty over our lands without permission from anyone."

The activists said it aimed to highlight their opposition to the Obama administration's policies in the region, saying that it has been "complicit in Israeli occupation and colonialism."

"An administration that used the veto 43 times ... in support of Israel and against Palestinian rights, an administration that grants military aid to Israel of over three billion dollars annually, can’t have any positive contribution to achieve justice," the statement said.

Demonstrations in Gaza against Obama's visit

Obama: Welcome to occupied Jerusalem!

n light of President Obama’s arrival to Jerusalem, the International Campaign to Protect Palestinian Residency in Jerusalem (Jerusalemites Campaign) has published an infographic, detailing rights violations against Palestinians living in Occupied Jerusalem. Facts illustrated include:

President Obama, you are welcome in Bethlehem

Mr. President, I want to seize this opportunity to welcome you and all US citizens to visit my small city of Bethlehem.

Just like the many other visitors that we receive here in this land, we will do our best to overwhelm you with our cultural hospitality and our traditions.

I invite you, Mr. President, to be in my city and among the nation that has a dream of liberty, a dream that goes in rhythm with the right of all nations to self-determination. We have embraced what other nations alike pursued; democracy, human development and security.

We have tumbled through our pursuits and have made mistakes, but we just like all humans and as part of our human nature, we slip. We have built, learned, developed and made our existence noticeable to all nations.

Obama: US-Israel alliance 'eternal, forever'

Video: Israeli soldiers round up children in Hebron

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Obama stirs young Israelis with the passionate speech of a left-wing Zionist

The core premise of the president’s address was that if Israel only pushes harder for reconciliation, regional hostility will gradually melt. Israelis are thoroughly divided on that, and he was at rhetorical best in trying to move them

Obama set to visit Bethlehem for '26 minutes'

Obama to Bethlehem: between indifference & indignation

American President Barack Obama has come to Israel this week to strengthen relations with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s new government of Netanyahu and to talk about the Middle East, Iran and Syria. This is Obama’s first trip to Israel as president, although he had visited previously as Senator Obama in 2008, when running for president. And while Obama spent part of Thursday in Ramallah and will be in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on Friday, most Palestinians waver between indifference and indignation to

Video Ramallah Protest Against Obama's Visit, 21-3-3013

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village protests Obama visit

With the Israeli settlement Maale Adumim covering a nearby West Bank ridge, Palestinian activist puts the finishing touches on a tent in the new "Ahfad Younis" neighborhood of E1, erected to protest Israeli settlement expansion and to criticize President Barack Obama's ineffectiveness as an honest broker for a just peace in the Middle East.

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Will Israeli Settlers Receive Obama’s Blessing?

......At the weekend, Arab-American leaders revealed that Obama had made it clear he would not present a peace plan, because Israel has indicated it is not interested in an agreement with the Palestinians....
.........Obama’s hands-off approach will satisfy his constituency at home. A poll for ABC-TV showed this week that most Americans support Israel over the Palestinians – 55 per cent to 9 per cent. An even larger majority, 70 per cent, think the US should leave the two sides to settle their future for themselves.

Ordinary Israelis, the US president’s target audience, are none too keen on his getting involved either. Recent survey data show that 53 per cent think Obama will fail to protect Israel’s interests, and 80 per cent believe he will not bring progress with the Palestinians over the next four years. The mood is one of indifference rather than anticipation....

Israel: “We are exploiting Obama visit for our messages”

Obama’s hands-off approach will satisfy his constituency at home. A poll for ABC-TV showed this week that most Americans support Israel over the Palestinians – 55 per cent to 9 per cent. An even larger majority, 70 per cent, think the US should leave the two sides to settle their future for themselves.

Ordinary Israelis, the US president’s target audience, are none too keen on his getting involved either. Recent survey data show that 53 per cent think Obama will fail to protect Israel’s interests, and 80 per cent believe he will not bring progress with the Palestinians over the next four years. The mood is one of indifference rather than anticipation.

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