Israel wird tatsälich ein NATO Mitglieder geworden
Wie Schwierig ist in deutschland eine Austellung über Nakba machen ....
Ausstellung Die Nakba Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948
Der Verein Flüchtlingskinder im Libanon e.V. hat in 2008 aus Anlass des 60. Jahrestages der Nakba, der Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948, deren Erinnerung mit den gleichzeitigen Feiern zur Gründung des Staates Israel im Mai 1948 zusammenfällt, eine Wanderausstellung mit Begleitkatalog zu der Thematik erarbeitet.
Bis heute wurde die Ausstellung in ca. 100 Orten in Deutschland und in einigen Orten in Österreich, der Schweiz und Frankreich gezeigt.
Chronologie der Auseinandersetzungen um die Nakba-Ausstellung
Die Chronologie will selbstverständlich keine potentiellen Ausstellungsveranstalter abschrecken, sie will vielmehr deutlich machen, dass es mit einer sachlichen Argumentation, einer guten internen Zusammenarbeit der Veranstalter und vor allem mit politischem Rückgrat möglich ist, die Ausstellung erfolgreich mit großem Publikumsinteresse durchzuführen. Das zeigte eindrucksvoll zuletzt die Nakba-Ausstellung in Überlingen (s.u.).
Die Chronologie führt soweit möglich die Original-Schreiben der Kritiker auf. Ansonsten dokumentiert sie den Ablauf durch Presseartikel. Für an der Ausstellung Interessierte ist eine zusammenfassende Argumentationshilfe erhältlich bei Ingrid Rumpf. 2008, 02.-30.04., Ulm, Volkshochschule
Die Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft Ulm protestiert gegen die systematisch angelegte Einseitigkeit zu Lasten Israels. Auf das Angebot der VHS, die DIG-Position auf Schautafeln neben der Ausstellung herauszustellen, hat sie nach interner Diskussion verzichtet.
Bis auf die Stellungnahme der DIG Ulm im Rahmen des aller ersten Ausstellungstermins in Ulm gab es bis zum Mai 2010 in Hannover keine Kritik an der Ausstellung.
The Brussels mystery: Was shooting anti-Semitism or part of spy games?
Considering how professional the shooter looked on footage, and the fact two of those killed were former Israeli civil servants, maybe the attack was actually a battle in the covert war.
The kidnapping: Israelis aren't the only ones facing national tragedy
Providing context may be taboo at a time when the entire country is focused on the fate of three kidnapped Israeli teens, but it is part and parcel of the story.
Settlers' attacks intensify as Israel search for teens
Settler violence toward Palestinians and their property continues in the shadow of a massive arrest campaign throughout the West Bank, in which Israel claims to have detained some 150 Palestinians, including the leadership of the Hamas movement.
Sunday night, settlers from the Ramot Yishai outpost in downtown Hebron attacked Madleen Imad Abu Shamsiyya, aged 14, striking her hands and arms. When Israeli soldiers reached the scene they took Abu Shamsiyya and her father to the police station in the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arba for questioning. There are no reports of settlers being detained for questioning.
Unter den derzeit 5.224 palästinensischen Häftlingen in israelischen Gefängnissen, befinden sich rund 200 Häftlinge, die in Administrativhaft sind, seit mehr als 40 Tagen im Hungerstreik.
1)Hebrew University students, faculty and supporters (including Palestinian member of Israels parliament, the Knesset, Haneen Zoabi, shown holding sign) in occupied eastern Jerusalem hold a demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian Christian citizens of Israel who were recently sent voluntary draft notices encouraging them to enlist in the Israeli military, 7 May. Though army service will remain voluntary for the vast majority of non-Jewish Israeli citizens, the move is seen as an attempt to drive a wedge between Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens of Israel .
2)Protest marking 47 years of Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, Tel Aviv, Israel, 7.6.2014
3)Demonstration against the Israeli wall and settlements, Al Ma'sara, West Bank, 6.6.2014
4)Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, Ichilov hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel, 5.6.2014
Hebrew University students, faculty and supporters.jpg (188 kByte, 942 x 629 Pixel) Anzeige optimiert für beste Darstellung. Großansicht - speichern
Protest marking 47 years of Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, Tel Aviv, Israel, 7.6.2014.png (473 kByte, 794 x 640 Pixel) Anzeige optimiert für beste Darstellung. Großansicht - speichern
Demonstration against the Israeli wall and settlements, Al Ma'sara, West Bank, 6.6.2014.png (486 kByte, 724 x 486 Pixel) Anzeige optimiert für beste Darstellung. Großansicht - speichern
Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, Ichilov hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel, 5.6.2014.png (464 kByte, 723 x 484 Pixel) Anzeige optimiert für beste Darstellung. Großansicht - speichern
Palestinian Prisioner.png (25 kByte, 595 x 316 Pixel) speichern
Erste link , ich habe Falls genommen ...
Zitat: palestina libera
Providing context may be taboo at a time when the entire country is focused on the fate of three kidnapped Israeli teens, but it is part and parcel of the story.
Settlers' attacks intensify as Israel search for teens
Settler violence toward Palestinians and their property continues in the shadow of a massive arrest campaign throughout the West Bank, in which Israel claims to have detained some 150 Palestinians, including the leadership of the Hamas movement.
Sunday night, settlers from the Ramot Yishai outpost in downtown Hebron attacked Madleen Imad Abu Shamsiyya, aged 14, striking her hands and arms. When Israeli soldiers reached the scene they took Abu Shamsiyya and her father to the police station in the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arba for questioning. There are no reports of settlers being detained for questioning.
Unter den derzeit 5.224 palästinensischen Häftlingen in israelischen Gefängnissen, befinden sich rund 200 Häftlinge, die in Administrativhaft sind, seit mehr als 40 Tagen im Hungerstreik.
1)Hebrew University students, faculty and supporters (including Palestinian member of Israels parliament, the Knesset, Haneen Zoabi, shown holding sign) in occupied eastern Jerusalem hold a demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian Christian citizens of Israel who were recently sent voluntary draft notices encouraging them to enlist in the Israeli military, 7 May. Though army service will remain voluntary for the vast majority of non-Jewish Israeli citizens, the move is seen as an attempt to drive a wedge between Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens of Israel .
2)Protest marking 47 years of Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, Tel Aviv, Israel, 7.6.2014
3)Demonstration against the Israeli wall and settlements, Al Ma'sara, West Bank, 6.6.2014
4)Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, Ichilov hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel, 5.6.2014
Netanyahu government knew teens were dead as it whipped up racist frenzy
From the moment three Israeli teens were reported missing last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the countrys military-intelligence apparatus suppressed the flow of information to the general public. Through a toxic blend of propaganda, subterfuge and incitement, they inflamed a precarious situation, manipulating Israelis into supporting their agenda until they made an utterly avoidable nightmare inevitable.
His antagonism to all Palestinians to Mahmoud Abbas Palestinian Authority no less than to Hamas started and steadily fueled the chain reaction that led to the current misery.
We, Gaza-based BDS activists and Palestine's Students' Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel (PSCABI), salute our supporters all over the world, and call on you to stand on the right side of history and support our struggle for freedom, justice, and equality.
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A Call from Gaza: Support our right to life! .jpg (57 kByte, 640 x 360 Pixel) speichern
Sderot cinema
Journalist Allan Sorenson posted this photo on Twitter, which he told The Stream was taken in Sderot on July 9. Israelis bringing chairs 2 hilltop in sderot 2 watch latest from Gaza. Clapping when blasts are heard
On Thursday, July 10, I entered the Hebrew word for "Arabs", ARAVIM, into Twitter and searched for uses of the word over the previous few hours. What I found was young Israelis proclaiming their desire for all Arabs to die and in some cases be tortured to death. Some of these calls for genocide were from young men, but a majority of them seemed to be authored by young women. I began to tweet out translations into English of their words, including their Twitter profile pictures and links to their original tweets.
"Many Israeli youth are calling for death to Arabs on Twitter because of the rocket sirens that woke them early during their summer vacations"
"Not just on our summer vacation we hate stinking ugly Arabs all our lives, for the rest of our lives"
How come US media never put in article claims of destination of rockets by Hamas just as they always put Israeli claims of destination even when homes are hit?
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Chomsky, Pilger and Loach call on BBC to reflect reality of Gazas occupation
Noam Chomsky, John Pilger and Ken Loach are among more than 40,000 signatories who have signed an open letter to the BBC calling on its journalists to reflect the reality of Gazas occupation while reporting on Israels current assault.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad stated Tuesday that they were never consulted over the terms of a proposed truce with Israel that was drafted by Egypt. The Israeli prime minister stated that if Hamas does not accept the ceasefire proposal, it will be legitimate for Israel to broaden its military operation against the Gaza Strip.
Lets talk about the faux ceasefire. Really a fraudulent ceasefire. Egypts ceasefire with no one. My Israeli source, who was consulted as part of the negotiations, tells me that this was not, in reality, an Egyptian proposal. It was, in fact, an Israeli proposal presented in the guise of an Egyptian proposal. Israel wrote the ceasefire protocol. The Egyptians rubber-stamped it and put it out under their letterhead as if it was their own.
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said Tuesday that the group were not consulted by Egypt about ceasefire arrangements and only heard of the initiative through media outlets.
Hamas said on Wednesday that they had "officially" informed Cairo that they had not accepted the Egyptian peace initiative, after Israel blamed the group for breaking a ceasefire Monday. Hamas has insisted that any ceasefire include provisions to end the seven-year long Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip, which has crippled the region's economy.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad have submitted a list of 10 demands to Egypt to establish a 10-year truce with Israel, the Hebrew-language daily Maariv reported Wednesday.
Four out of every five Palestinians killed during Israels ongoing military offensive in Gaza have been civilians, including dozens of women and children, the United Nations said Monday.
The statistic was disclosed by the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) amid mounting international concern over non-combatant casualties during an operation Israeli officials have said is aimed solely at rooting out militants and stopping rockets being fired into Israel. Pressure intensified for a ceasefire as the latest death toll climbed to 172.
Of 160 deaths that had occurred by Sunday, 133 80 per cent had been among Gazas civilian population, OCHA said, including 35 children and 27 women. Only 26 were established to have belonged to armed groups while the status of another nine men was unverified. Some 296 children and 233 women have been among the 1,140 wounded, according to Gaza health ministry figures.
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The war Netanyahu cannot possibly win
.......The disappearance of the settlers gave Netanyahu's quest a new impetus. He immediately began a campaign pressuring Abbas to break away from Hamas.
But there is still more to Israel's war on Gaza than this. Fearing an intifada that would unite Palestinians, threaten the PA, and slow down the construction of illegal settlements, Netanyahu's war on Gaza means to distract from the slowly building collective sentiment among Palestinians throughout Palestine, and among Palestinian citizens in Israel.
This unity is much more alarming for Netanyahu than a political arrangement by Fatah and Hamas necessitated by regional circumstances. The targeting of Hamas is an Israeli attempt at challenging the emerging new narrative that is no longer about Gaza and its siege anymore, but the entirety of Palestine and its collectives regardless of which side of the Israeli "separation wall" they live on.
Demostrieren in der Nacht in Tel Aviv ist gefährliche geworden ...
The fascists attacked. Police didnt respond in time and ran away when the sirens wailed. We were lucky to get away with only three injured, one in the hospital and many traumatized.
Stundenten melden sich Freiwielig um Kriegpropaganda zu schreiben ..
The Student Union at the IDC opened a Hasbara Room on Thursday the first day of Operation Protective Edge with the purpose of providing factual information about the situation on the ground to people around the world, as well as countering the misinformation and lies being disseminated on social media sites. ..... ...Through the hasbara efforts during the previous round with Hamas, the IDC advocacy room was able to get their message out to an estimated 21 million people around the world. The students created a Facebook page and twitter account under the now-popular Israel Under Fire catchphrase, through which they conducted their hasbara efforts. ...