Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Außenpolitik

Türkische Expansionskonzepte und Westliche Interessen schuldig der Kobane angriff

Erdogans Staatsterror geht weiter

Ungeachtet der harschen Kritik Obamas und Putins an Erdogans Kurs gegen die Kurden beim G20 Gipfel in Ankara, hält Erdogan am Konfrontationskurs gegen die überwiegend kurdische Bevölkerung im Südosten der Türkei fest.

Laut dem Medium bestanuce wurde Erdogan eine Abfuhr in Sachen Sicherheitszone in der syrischen Grenzregion zwischen Kobane und Afrin erteilt. Der Westen hätte daran kein Interesse, solange die Türkei ihr Verhältnis zu den Kurden nicht geklärt hätte. Sie werden an der Unterstützung der PYD (die regierende Partei von Rojava) festhalten, heißt es in dem Artikel. Die Politik der Türkei gegenüber Syrien sei gescheitert. Die Türkei müsse nun in einem Schulterschluss klar an der Seite der Staaten stehen, die sich vom IS distanzieren und ihn bekämpfen.

YPG: Attacks by the Turkish army and ISIS groups continue

YPG (People's Defense Units) has reported ongoing attacks by ISIS gangs against villages near the Euphrates and by the Turkish army against Girê Spî and Kobanê.

Turkey's policy on ISIS is dangerous for the whole world

KCK Executive Council Co-President Cemil Bayık stated that the AKP government blackmails the whole world by legitimating and promoting ISIS.

Calling the world's attention to the effective battle of SDF led by YPG/YPJ against the ISIS, Bayık emphasised that; “SDF is capable of pushing the ISIS out of Jarablus within a short time. They can take Raqqa as well unless there happens a support to the ISIS from Turkey's side. International powers should remove this obstacle of Turkey.”

Bayık made significant evaluations in his column on Azadiya Welat and Yeni Özgür Politika dailies, in which he wrote about the elimination of Turkey's barrier in the fight against ISIS, the pro-ISIS mindset growing among the Turkish society and the Turkish state's multidimensional military and political attacks against the Kurdistan people.

2 civilians killed, 3 others injured by state forces in Yüksekova

Following the imposition of a curfew, hundreds of special operation members, police and soldiers launched an onslaught against Cumhuriyet and Güngör neighborhoods in Yüksekova district of Hakkari as of 23:00 last night.

Concurrently with the operation, telephone and internet services were also suspended across the district.

The operation mainly intensified in Cumhuriyet neighborhood where state forces opened random fire after failing to enter the area due to the barricades built up by the local people.

As the operation further targeted the neighborhoods of Orman, Güngör, Eski Kışla Yeşildere and Mezarlık, people poured out into the streets to protest the curfew and following onslaught.

Snipers shot a woman dead in Nusaybin

Turkey attacks Kurds to protect ISIS. What about Germany?

The German state continues subjecting Kurdish political activists to repression and criminalizing Kurdish institutions, as a result of which 6 Kurdish politicians have been arrested this year.

At the moment, 8 Kurdish political activists remain in German jails under heavy circumstances. All these stand trial in accordance with the Article 129b, which requires a particular approval by the Ministry of Justice.

Lawyers for Kurdish politicians jailed in Germany did previously apply to the Ministry of Justice demanding the revocation of the particular approval for the implementation of Article 129b for Kurdish prisoners. The Ministry is, however, yet to answer the application.

KDP President Masoud Barzani in Ankara

Masoud Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) which has recently strengthened its cooperation with Turkey's AKP government, has arrived in Turkish capital Ankara.

Barzani, who will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, is reported to have promotion of relations with Turkey on his agenda.

The KDP President firstly visited the Turkish Intelligence Service (MIT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan in the MIT building.

AKP-backed Al-Nusra and Ahrar Al-Sham gangs have started to attack Aleppo after Efrîn. Mortar attacks by gangs are targeting the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood and the Pino village.

According to the initial reports by ANHA reporters on the ground, 5 civilians have been wounded in the bombardment which is going on at the moment.

A Turkish court has released 9 people who had been detained several days ago in the Turkish city Antep before joining the ISIS in Syria.

The 9 people who include 2 Turks and 7 foreigners had travelled from Adana to Antep from where they were meant to join the ISIS gangs in Syria.

All the 9 militants were released on conditions of judicial control following a hearing at Antep Courthouse.

TEV-DEM Executive Council member Bedran Çiyakurd said the process of revolution in Rojava and the defeat of ISIS gangs has frustrated the plans of the Turkish state which mobilized gang groups in Azaz, Efrîn and Aleppo in order to gain a place in the Syrian politics.

Kurdische Autonomieregierung verweigert humanitären Helfern die Einreise nach Rojava

Die Blockade trifft die Gesundheitsversorgung und gilt spezilell für das selbst verwaltete autonome Gebiet Rojava. Die Bundesregierung kümmert das nicht

Seit drei Wochen sitzen 13 internationale Helfer und Helferinnen in der kurdischen Autonomieregion fest. Die drei Frauen und zehn Männer aus Marokko, Tunesien und Deutschland wollen zur Fertigstellung des Gesundheits- und Sozialzentrums nach Kobanê. Sie führen nicht nur das dort dringend benötigte Material mit, auch die notwendigen Fachleute sind mit dabei. Die meisten Helfer und Fachleute haben sich für diesen Einsatz Urlaub genommen, alle arbeiten ehrenamtlich und tragen ihre Kosten selbst.

In einem Offenen Brief an Bundeskanzlerin Merkel bitten sie um Unterstützung:

Grundlage des Artikels sollte die Verbindung Steinmeier zum Barzani Clan sein

Es gibt eine Interessante meinunge über dieser Artikel der sprecht die Beziehungen zwischen Steinmeier zum Barzani .

Rival brothers: The Kurds who join the Islamic State

"I hate this town. The people are poor and conservative," utters Mustafa, an English literature student, whilst the coach struggles on its way to Bingol. It crosses a long straight line of parapets with barbed wire, between which the Turkish military supervises any intrusion, fingers on the trigger. Then it lets off its group of students who, just like Mustafa, come from Diyarbakir and study in this Kurdish town of 267,000 inhabitants.

Two months earlier, five residents from Bingol drove the 150km separating them from the main Kurdish town in Turkey in the other direction.

On 26 October, at dawn, when police forces in Diyarbakir forced the door down, two of them triggered their suicide belts. The assault lasted seven hours. In the end, 15 people were arrested and seven, including five youngsters from Bingol, were killed. The governor from Diyarbakir later declared that this was a branch of Islamic State (IS).

Ausnahmezustand in den kurdischen Städten in der Türkei

Die Lage in den kurdischen Städten eskaliert. Die Bevölkerung befürchtet die Vorbereitung eines Massakers seitens des türkischen Militärs. Zehntausende Bewohner Diyarbakırs sind auf der Flucht.
Die Auseinandersetzungen eskalieren zwischen den Bewohnern und der türkischen Polizei und der Armee. Bewohner fürchten, dass eine größerer Angriff seitens des Militärs bevorsteht. Dafür gebe es einige Hinweise, berichten kurdische Medien.

In den kurdischen Städten (inkl. Gemeinden) Cizre und Silopi hat der türkische Staat am Wochenende 3.000 Lehrer zurückgezogen. Sie wurden auf unbestimmte Zeit freigestellt, die Schulen geschlossen. Per SMS des Bildungsministeriums wurden die Lehrkräfte dazu aufgerufen, aufgrund von "Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen" die Region zu verlassen und in ihre türkischen Heimatstädte zurückzukehren.

Es gibt auch Berichte darüber, dass türkisches Gesundheitspersonal zurückgezogen wurde. Andererseits wurden die Staatskrankenhäuser in einem offiziellen Brief angewiesen, ihr Personal und alle Materialien "bereit zu halten“.

Verhaftungen, Razzien, Ausgangssperren, extralegale Hinrichtungen und Bombardierungen …

Erdogan says Turkey to annihilate Kurdish militants, 25 killed

.........Erdogan said the operations would continue until the area was "cleansed" of the militants and their barricades and trenches destroyed.

"You will be annihilated in those houses, those buildings, those ditches which you have dug," he told a crowd in Konya. "Our security forces will continue this fight until it has been completely cleansed and a peaceful atmosphere established."

Ferhat Encu, a local deputy for the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), said the curfews there had "mutated into a process of destroying the towns", forcing people to flee.

Peshmerga fighters: We stand by guerrillas against Turkish military

Peshmerga fighters who spoke to ANF stated that they do not accept or want the presence of Turkish troops in South Kurdistan, and will be standing by guerrillas against Turkish military in Kurdistan lands.

The peshmergas who fight alongside guerrillas against ISIS gangs that are openly supported by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said “Turkish army is occupier in South Kurdistan, and we do not want them in our territory.”


A youth from Rojava by the name of Hüseyin Ahmet was killed and a kid by the name of İbrahim Bulca was wounded as a result fire opened by police in Nusaybin district of Mardin.

HDP Şırnak deputy Ferhat Encü who is currently in Silopi district stated that attacks by state forces have intensified since last night, to which people continue responding with resistance. Encü called upon the Kurds living in Turkish cities and Europe to rise up for Kurdistan.

PKK prisoner dies in jail

The VICE Reports: Freiheit für Kurdistan

Der türkische Krieg gegen kurdische Zivilisten

"Das Problem ist die Statuslosigkeit Kurdistans" - mit diesem Satz bringt der Co-Vorsitzende der pro-kurdischen Partei HDP, Selahattin Demirtas in einem Interview mit der größten kurdischen Tageszeitung in Europa, Yeni Özgür Politika (YÖP), die aktuelle Lage in den kurdischen Regionen der Länder Türkei, Syrien, Irak und Iran auf den Punkt:

"Die Frage bezüglich der Zukunft der Kurden und Kurdistan ist weltweit eine Frage des politischen Status bzw. der weltweiten Akzeptanz Kurdistans innerhalb der Internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die Kurden müssen unweigerlich einen politischen Status haben. Und dieser Status hat den Namen Staat..."

Turkish soldiers kill a Rojava citizen near the border

urkish soldiers deployed on Akçakale borderline have continued their intermittent attacks on Girê Spî (Tel Abyad) since 24 October.

According to reports coming through, soldiers on Akçakale side of the border have been shelling the asayish (public security) point at Girê Spî border crossing since 19:30 Tuesday evening.

While the attack with heavy weaponry is reported to be going on, no information was immediately available regarding the details.

Tank attacks on Cizre's Cudi neighborhood intensify

People walking to Cizre targeted by artillery fire

Police kill two women in a house raid in Istanbul

Police teams raided a house in Karadeniz neighborhood of Istanbul's Gaziosmanpaşa (GOP) district last night.

Two women in the house were killed by police but their identity is yet not know. Bodies of both have been taken to Forensic Medicine Institution.

While police sources asserted that a gunfight erupted during the raid, reports say that two women were executed. The area has been blockaded and evacuated by police.

Istanbul police have killed 3 women in house raids in the last 4 months.

Thousands marching to Sur attacked by police

People in Amed have brought the life to a standstill today to join a mass march to the central Sur district to break the siege by Turkish forces which continues in its 21st day.

Thousands have gathered outside Metropolitan Municipality building to join the march which is also participated by HDP deputies and co-mayors of DBP-held municipalities. Another group leaving from Çınar district has also arrived in the area.

"Massacre is a state tradition" read a huge banner carried by demonstrators in protest at the ongoing state terror in Kurdish cities and towns.

While police forces heavily blockaded all the streets leading to the municipality area and Şeyh Sait (Dağkağı Square, thousands leaving from Silvan, Hazro, Lice, Kocaköy and Hani districts have gathered on Silvan road and are now heading to Amed in a convoy.

Der Krieg der Türkei und Europas Schweigen

Während der Westen hartnäckig schweigt, scheint das Erdogan-Regime bis zum Äußersten gehen zu wollen, um den kurdischen Widerstandswillen zu brechen

US-backed alliance advances against rebels in Syria's north

Weiter tödliche Angriffe der Sicherheitskräfte auf Kurden

Bei einer Polizeirazzia am gestrigen Sonntag gegen angebliche PKK-Mitglieder in der Kleinstadt Edremit bei Van wurden 12 kurdische junge Menschen getötet. Elf waren im Alter von 17-18, während einer der Getöteten etwa 25 Jahre alt war. Die Front des zweistöckigen Gebäudes ist von hunderten Einschüssen schwer beschädigt. Nach Angaben des Gouverneurs wurden bei der Razzia auch ein Polizist getötet und ein weiterer verletzt. Die getöteten Jugendlichen trugen nach Augenzeugenangaben alle Zivilkleidung. Bei der Durchsuchung wurde ein Sturmgewehr von der Polizei gefunden.

Twitter account of special operation police admits the executions in Van

Turkish TV channel probed for terrorism after caller says army 'killing babies

Turkish prosecutors on Monday said that they had opened a criminal probe into the Beyaz Show broadcast on Kanal D on Friday night and would also investigate the programme's producer and presenter for allowing the caller on the air.

The woman, who said she was a teacher named Ayse Celik from the Kurdish-dominated city of Diyarbakir, urged people to raise their voices against what she said was the killing of "unborn babies, children and mothers".

"Are you aware of what is happening in the east of Turkey?" the caller asked. "People are fighting with hunger and thirst, in particular the children. Please be sensitive and do not remain silent. Please have some kind of sensitivity as a human," she said.

Kanal D is owned by the Dogan Group, one of Turkey's biggest conglomerates, and the channel subsequently issued a statement denying the programme had broadcast "terrorist propaganda" although it said that it would take legal action against the caller.

"Our channel, which has always stood with the state against terrorism, is deeply saddened that it became the target of a provocation,” Kanal D said in a statement.