Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Außenpolitik

Türkische Expansionskonzepte und Westliche Interessen schuldig der Kobane angriff

Vorwurf der ethnischen Säuberung gegen türkische Regierung

Eine Delegation der Organisation Ärzte gegen den Atomkrieg (IPPNW) hielt sich im März für zwei Wochen in Ankara und im Südosten der Türkei auf. Im Gepäck hatten die Delegationsteilnehmer bei ihrer Rückkehr jede Menge Informationen und Augenzeugenberichte aus den besetzten Städten - und vor allem scharfe Kritik am Kriegseinsatz der türkischen Streitkräfte gegen die eigene kurdische Zivilbevölkerung.

Who opposes Syrian Kurdish self-rule?

yrian Kurds agree on their right to declare a federal region, yet some of them believe this could lead to the exploitation of their national cause. In light of most Syrians’ rejection of the just-announced federal solution, a new crisis is about to hit Syria, which is already plagued by other crises.

On March 17, the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) declared the Federal Democratic System of Rojava and Northern Syria, making the announcement at a conference in Rmeilan that included 150 delegates and representatives from 31 Kurdish, Assyrian and Syriac political parties, independent figures and Arab tribes. The federal zone includes Rojava's three cantons — Jazira, Kobani and Afrin — as well as Tell Abyad and other areas Kurdish forces have recaptured.

Kurds vow to prevent Assad regime from holding parliamentary elections in Rojava

Syrian Kurds will not hold Syrian parliament elections in their territory. The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad called for these elections for April 13th on Monday.

“Since the autonomous administration was declared by the Kurds and other minorities, the majority Kurdish areas are out of Assad’s control, and they are administrated by the components of the region,” said Idris Nassan, a former official in the Kobane administration.

Kurds lose faith in leaders as war rages in south

Walking into the historic quarter of Diyarbakir is like entering a military occupation zone. Visitors are greeted by the sight of a rifle barrel jutting from a sandbagged sentry post, which is surrounded by security railings and armoured cars.

Police frisk all those wishing to enter, and all bags and suitcases are inspected. Luggage is carried as vehicles are not permitted inside. A hundred metres in, there is another checkpoint.

This is what four months of insurgency and curfew have brought upon Sur, the "Old City" of Diyarbakir, the principal Kurdish city in Turkey.

Fifty-nine civilians were killed as Turkish forces fought house-to-house battles against an estimated 150 fighters from the Kurdish Worker's Party (PKK), according to the crisis centre of the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP).

Documents on Turkey-ISIS relations presented to the UN

Russia presented documents on Turkey-ISIS relations to the UN Security Council. The documents shed light on the illegal transfer of arms and ammunitions from Turkey to the parts of Syria under ISIS occupation.

...Böhmermann hatte die Dünnhäutigkeit des türkischen Staatspräsidenten Erdogan aufgegriffen, der die Zensur eines Satire-Videos verlangt hatte, das ihm Zensur nachsagte. Der TV-Entertainer referierte daraufhin über den Unterschied zwischen Satire und Schmähkritik und illustrierte letzteres mit einem Gedicht, mit dem er sich intendiert tief unter die Gürtellinie und weit hinter sämtliche roten Linien begab. Dabei wies er mehrfach sarkastisch darauf hin, dass man dies nicht machen dürfte.

Das gedicht dem ZDF zensiert wurde :

Sackdoof, feige und verklemmt,
ist Erdogan der Präsident.

Sein Gelöt stinkt schlimm nach Döner,
selbst ein Schweinepfurz riecht schöner.

Er ist der Mann der Mädchen schlägt,
und dabei Gummimasken trägt.

Am liebsten mag er Ziegen ficken,
und Minderheiten unterdrücken,

Kurden treten, Christen hauen,
und dabei Kinderpornos schauen.

Und selbst Abends heißts statt schlafen,
Fellatio mit hundert Schafen.

Ja, Erdogan ist voll und ganz,
ein Präsident mit kleinem Schwanz.

Jeden Türken hört man flöten,
die dumme Sau hat Schrumpelklöten,

Von Ankara bis Istanbul,
weis jeder, dieser Mann ist schwul.

Pervers, verlaust und zoophil,
Recep Fritzl Priklopil.

Sein Kopf so leer, wie seine Eier,
der Star auf jeder Gangbang-Feier.

Bis der Schwanz beim pinkeln brennt,
das ist Recep Erdogan, der türkische Präsident.

17 special operation police killed in Amed

Erdoğan’s ex-bodyguard among those killed in Amed

Kurdische Behörden im Nordirak inhaftieren Mitarbeiterin von Abgeordnetem

Am 22. März 2016 wurde die deutsche Staatsbürgerin Beriwan Al Zin, Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiterin des Hamburger Bürgerschaftsabgeordneten Martin Dolzer, in der Kurdischen Autonomieregion (KRG) im Nordirak festgenommen. Sie befindet sich seitdem im Frauengefängnis von Erbil. Der Vorwurf lautet auf illegalen Grenzübertritt zwischen der KRG und dem nordsyrischen Rojava.

Nach der Festnahme durch die KRG-Behörden wurde Frau Al-Zin sechs Tage lang verwehrt zu telefonieren. Zudem wurden weder die Deutsche Botschaft in Bagdad noch das Generalkonsulat in Erbil rechtzeitig über die Festnahme der deutschen Staatsbürgerin informiert. Eine solche Praxis verstößt gegen das Wiener Übereinkommen über diplomatische Beziehungen.

Chemiewaffen gegen Şêx Meqsûd

Die von Saudi-Arabien unterstützten Terroristen der sogenannten “Armee des Islams” (arab. Ceyş’ül İslam) erklärten öffentlich, geächtete und verbotene Waffen gegen die kurdischen Einwohner*innen im Aleppoer Stadtteil Şêx Meqsûd eingesetzt zu haben.

In der veröffentlichten Erklärung heißt es offiziel: “Ein Battalionskommandeur der Ceyş’ül İslam hat in einzelnen Gefechten international geächtete und verbotenen Waffen eingesetzt”.

Sowohl die YPG (Yekîneyên Parastina Gel – Volksverteidigungseinheiten), als auch lokale Journalist*innen, sowie der Kurdische Rote Halbmond (Heyva Sor a Kurd) bestätigten, dass terroristische Gruppen Giftgas/Chemiewaffen gegen das von Kurd*innen bewohnte Viertel eingesetzt haben.

Erdoğan-backed gangs affiliated to the so-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) and ENKS have been attacking Aleppo’s Şêx Meqsûd neighborhood non-stop since February 16th.

The ongoing aggression by gang groups has killed 5 more civilians and injured 6 others today.

With the most recent losses, the death toll caused by gang groups for the past 2 days rose to 24. A total of 24 people suffered injuries in the attacks.

Turkey continues to send arms, ammunition and jihadists to ISIS–PART I

ISIS gang Abdurrahim Xalit İbrahim captured by the YPG stated that Turkey continues to send arms, ammunition and jihadists to ISIS mainly through Jarablus and Til Rai. İbrahim noted that the Turkish aid to ISIS decreased because ISIS-Turkey relations got exposed and the border between ISIS and Turkey got shorter.

Captured by the YPG after the ISIS attack on Girê Spî, ISIS gang Abdurrahim Xalit İbrahim code-named Ebu İslam Xerip spoke to ANF. İbrahim was born in Aleppo, joined ISIS two years ago, stated that ISIS viewed Turkey as an ally. İbrahim said that his main duties were to give ideological and political education, recruit new gangs, and organize the gangs that arrived in Syria via Turkey. İbrahim was captured by the YPG in an office building near Siluk after the ISIS attack on Girê Spî.

Regarding the relations between Turkey and ISIS, İbrahim said that the two entities had shared ideologies and goals, and would never fight one another. İbrahim stated that ISIS viewed Turkey as an ally and the two entities collaborated numerous times in the past, so a war between Turkey and ISIS would never break out.

ISIS hands over the town of Rai to the allies of MİT

Canadian fighter joining Kurdish female units to combat ISIS northern Syria

Hannah Bohman, 47, is a Canadian volunteer who has joined the ranks of the Kurdish female fighters of the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) over a year ago to fight radical group of the Islamic State (ISIS) in northern Syria. When she initially joined the YPJ, she only got four hours of training. But now, she says, foreign fighters are being trained for at least a month. “Since September, new YPJ members spend around one month at the academy on language, ideology, politics, and history, before joking the battlefronts,” she told ARA News.

Erdogans Krieg

Die türkische Regierung verfolgt bei der Niederschlagung der Kurden eine perfide Strategie. Doch den Widerstand konnte sie ­bisher nicht brechen

Erdogan-Anhänger machen mobil

Türkische Nationalisten rufen zu bundesweiten Protesten gegen PKK auf – im Hintergrund zieht offenbar AKP-Regierung die Fäden

House raids in Bolu: 2 executed, 2 youths' whereabouts unknown

Why the Turkish government seized this Armenian church

Turkey has been making drastic decisions in different towns of the majority Kurdish southeast in the past few weeks. On March 21, Turkey's Justice and Development Party (AKP) government hastily passed legislation referred to as “urgent expropriation of the Sur district” of Diyarbakir province. On March 26, the government's Official Gazette announced all the addresses of the properties to be expropriated.

These decisions have been met with local opposition, which has been silenced swiftly. But the Sur situation generated global reactions because of the town's history — so much so that Galip Ensarioglu, a prominent AKP parliamentarian, told the press that the US Embassy had called him asking about the reports. Ensarioglu said the reports amounted to a smear campaign spreading false information about the confiscation process. Others beg to differ.

PUK's Talabani responds to AKP’s letter for support

Iraqi parliament PUK group chair Ala Talabani said Turkey requested that PUK stand with the Turkish state in its war against the Kurdish people in Northern Kurdistan.

Ala Talabani issued a statement on her Facebook account, saying; “The government of Turkey has sent a letter to the PUK administration to request that PUK not support our Kurdish brothers and sisters in Northern Kurdistan. The Turkish state has also asked us to stand with the Turkey front against our brothers and sisters in the North.”

Why the PKK is so interested in Mosul

After a weeklong campaign, the Islamic State (IS) captured Mosul on June 10, 2014, with the help of local supporters. That was the beginning of a new phase in the region. After putting Mosul under its absolute control, IS attacked Sinjar where Yazidi Kurds lived. Thousands of Kurds were killed and thousands were taken prisoner. The town fell under IS control. Shocked by this development, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) moved to liberate Sinjar with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) on its side. The PKK, which had shown special attention to Sinjar and the Yazidis for years, finally had the opportunity it was looking for.

War syndrome and Turkish society

An overwhelming majority of Turkish society thinks that its children are ‘fighting for the homeland’ in Kurdistan, just like Americans thought during the Vietnam War. It does not see that they become death machines, and continue to live alongside murderers and rapists.

Directed by Oliver Stone, ‘Born on the Fourth of July’ starring Tom Cruise was released in 1989. The movie got 8 Oscar nominations and won 2 Oscar awards, and won the best film award at the Golden Globes.

Adapted from Ron Kovic’s novel, the movie tells the story of a nationalist American soldier as he participates in the Vietnam War, kills civilians, accidentally shoots a friend, gets injured and confined to a wheelchair, and later understands that the dirty war was waged for the profit of arms dealers as he begins to participate in the anti-war movement.

The main focus of ‘Born on the Fourth of July’ was the war syndrome of hundreds of thousands of soldiers who had participated in ‘the defense of the homeland’ as opposed to the story of one particular soldier. The movie strikingly depicts how the Vietnam Syndrome lasts a lifetime and affects all segments of society, and stirred up debate when it was released.

State forces plunder houses in Gever

Houses torn down in Silopi where AKP terror continues

Turkish forces commit massacre in Rojava’s Hewar Kilis village

Turkmen fighters: We will liberate Minbic

Welat Cudi is a Suwar El Minbic fighter and says their fundamental goal is to build the Democratic Syria where all the peoples of Syria can live together, Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians and Turkmens together with their own languages and their own flags.

Syria's Kurds take control of oil fields, now what?

Five years into the Syrian revolution, entire cities have been brought to rubble and a population has been forcibly displaced by the Syrian regime or the forces that controlled the areas deserted by the Syrian regime's army.
All military forces, such as the Islamic State (IS), Jabhat al-Nusra and the opposition Kurdish forces, sought to control the areas rich with underground resources. These resources are concentrated in Deir ez-Zor and the Kurdish areas in the Rojava region, a de facto autonomous region of Syria.

Oil wells are scattered across the Kurdish areas, in particular in Rmeilan. After the outbreak of the Syrian revolution and with the displacement of the area’s residents to neighboring countries such as Iraq and Turkey, the oil wells were almost shut down.

Kein Waffenstillstand für Rojava

Türkische und kurdische Koalitionen und Machtinteressen bei den Kämpfen um Aleppo

Die Angriffe auf das nordsyrische Selbstverwaltungsgebiet Rojava eskalieren im Schatten des am 27. Februar 2016 vereinbarten Genf-III Waffenstillstands immer weiter. Akteure sind dabei die türkische Armee, die sogenannte "Istanbuler Opposition" (Nationale Koalition, ETILAF) und zu ihr gehörige im Kurdischen Nationalrat (ENKS) organisierte kurdische Kräfte, aber auch salafistische Gruppen wie Ahrar as Sham und die in Genf III nicht inkludierten Jabhat al Nusra.

Die Gefechte im Dreieck Afrin, Kobanî, Aleppo nahmen in den letzten Wochen immer größeren Umfang an. Am 14. April beschoss die türkische Armee das Dorf Hewar in der Nähe der Grenzstadt Azaz, dabei kamen nach Angaben der syrisch-kurdischen Nachrichtenseite Hawarnews 25 Zivilpersonen ums Leben. Insbesondere das nach dem Modell der Demokratischen Autonomie von Rojava selbstverwaltete und den Volks-und Frauenverteidigungskräften YPG/YPJ geschützte Stadtviertel Aleppos, Sheik Mahsud (kurdisch: Şêxmesûd) wurde immer wieder zum Ziel von Angriffen.

Agent unter Verdacht
Türkei: Ermittlungen gegen mutmaßlichen Auftraggeber von Morden an kurdischen Politikerinnen

Umfragen-Mehrheit gegen Merkels Böhmermann-Entscheidung

Zwei Drittel der Befragten sind nicht einverstanden. Alfa-Chef Bernd Lucke versucht uneigentliches Sprechen

Merkels Entscheidung für staatsanwaltschaftliche Ermittlungen gegen den Schmähgedicht-Verfasser Böhmermann (Merkel fällt um) stößt in Umfragen auf deutliche Ablehnung. Zwei Meinungsforschungsinstitute, Infratest dimap und Emnid (beide Tochtergesellschaften von TNS), haben das dominierende Medienthema der vergangenen Woche aufgenommen und die Frage gestellt, ob die Entscheidung der Kanzlerin richtig war.

Turkish ultra-nationalist films rap video in rubble of Kurdish city

Rapper calls on government to 'solve the problem or hang those who create the problem' in video filmed in Sur despite 24-hour curfew - See more at:

"ISIS gangs and Turkish Intelligence collaborate in Hatay"

Hatay Assembly for the Right to Life Against War released its second report entitled "The impact of the Syrian War and Turkey’s Syria policies on Hatay." Assembly representatives held a press conference on the report in Halkevi’s Hatay Branch.

Hatay Assembly for the Right to Life Against War coordinator Ali Ergin shared the details of the report, which has statistical information prepared by official institutions and NGOs. Ergin stated that the repatriation centers in Hatay are being used as temporary residences for ISIS gangs that are preparing for attacks. Ergin recalled that the Commodity Exchange's Boys' Dormitory near the Sabancı Girls' Dormitory in Narlıca neighborhood of Hatay’s Antakya district was closed to students for the 2015-2016 education year with the excuse that the building was ‘frail and unusable.’ Ergin noted that Hatay Governorate authorized Hatay Directorate of Migration Management to use the building as a repatriation center for ‘illegal’ refugees lacking ‘temporary protection ID documents’ who are mostly foreign jihadists. Ergin stated that state officials knew about the organizational connections of these jihadists but sent them to other countries as opposed to launching criminal investigations.

Iran's forgotten Kurds plot a comeback

High up in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, small groups of men are readying themselves for the perilous journey across the border into Iran.

Spring has come to the lush valleys and plains at the foot of the mountains, and the snow is melting on the ridges and towering peaks that form an almost impenetrable barrier during winter. The men dispersed in farmhouses and isolated buildings perched on the steep slopes near the border are Peshmerga fighters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI), an exiled opposition group that is plotting a comeback in the Islamic Republic.

After braving the winter cold, the Peshmerga will soon be dodging army patrols and helicopters as they filter into Iran to grow the party's support base.

"If we are closer to our own, then more people will gather around us and we will be stronger," said Kheder Pakdaman, a seasoned Peshmerga who commands a unit stationed in a base near the Iraqi town of Choman.

12 thousand Kurds arrested in Iran in one year

Officers of the Iranian regime accepted that 12 thousand Kurds were arrested in the Iranian year that ended on March 19, 2015. The Kurdistan State Director of Prisons confessed that the social fabric of the Kurdish society was being degraded by these arrests.

According to the state-run İsna news agency, Kurdistan State Director of Prisons confirmed the increase in Kurdish prisoners.

Director of Prisons Esadullah Gurjizadeh said, “The statistics show that almost 60% of the imprisoned people are heads of their households, and this is tearing at the fabric of Kurdish society in Iran.”

Kurdish rebels attack Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Sardasht

Under the banner “the Peshmerga of Iranian Kurdistan”, a Kurdish rebel group attacked key positions for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in several villages in the vicinity of the mainly Kurdish city of Sardasht north-west of the country, informed sources reported on Wednesday.

Local Kurdish activists confirmed that the Kurdish Peshmerga in Iran attacked headquarters of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the villages of Hamran, Myouni, and Sartaja [administratively linked to the township of Sardasht]. This led the Iranian forces to receive additional military reinforcements to the region in a bid to face the unexpected fierce offensive.

Turkish police officer fired for making far-right rap video in ruined Kurdish city

A police officer who filmed an ultra-nationalist rap video in the ruined district of Sur in the southeastern Turkish city of Diyarbakir was suspended on Wednesday, according to the Diyarbakir governor's office.

The video, titled "I Am Alone Father" and subtitled "in memory of soldiers martyred in Sur", was filmed despite the district being under 24-hour curfew due to fighting between the Turkish military and Kurdish militants.

Taktik der Unterdrückung

Am Dienstag abend um 23 Uhr Ortszeit verließen die Abgeordneten der linken und prokurdischen Demokratischen Partei der Völker (HDP) die Nationalversammlung in Ankara. Sie sangen das Lied »Cerxa Sorese« und skandierten Parolen in Solidarität mit dem inhaftierten Kurdenführer Abdullah Öcalan. »Cerxa Sorese« bedeutet »Rad der Revolution« und gilt als Hymne der verbotenen Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK). Der symbolische Akt bedeutet: Durch die rasante Entwicklung der Türkei in Richtung Faschismus ist die legale, parlamentarische Arbeit für die kurdische Bewegung unmöglich geworden.

Kurdish youths occupying ZDF bureau in Berlin criticise the media

State being defeated: Military cemeteries and hospitals full to the brim

As Turkish forces continue to suffer heavy losses in their genocidal attacks, the state can’t hide the fact that hundreds of soldiers and policemen are dead and there is a great number of wounded personnel.

State sources say security personnel casualties have reached 480 since June 7, 2015. The actual number is assumed to be much higher.

The state has also confessed to not having enough space due to the rising casualties. The “Police Martyrs Cemetery” in Ankara’s Cebeci Asri Cemetery has been closed after reaching its limit. A new “Police Martyrs Cemetery” was set up in Karşıyaka Cemetery afterwards. Sources say the burials began a month ago in this new “Police Martyrs Cemetery” at the Gate 3 of the cemetery and 150 bodies were buried up to this day.

MIT sends ammunition and 400 militants to SNC gangs in Azaz

AKP’s anti-Kurdish policies continue. The Turkish state had carried out a gathering marked “urgent” with 20 SNC gang leaders in Antep after the SNC and ENKS gangs attacking Jaysh al-Thuwar and YPG/YPJ forces in Tal Rifat, Minix, Birad and Ayn Deqne were defeated recently.

In the Antep gathering led by the Turkish intelligence agency MİT and the General Staff, the Turkish state had given gangs new plans, projects and objectives. In accordance with the plans, projects and objectives provided by the Turkish state the gangs were asked to invade Efrîn-Azaz and Shehba regions and rid them of the Kurdish population.

Aus Schulen werden Militärstationen

Sur, der Altstadtbezirk Diyarbakirs (kurdisch: Amed), wurde zu Beginn dieses Jahres von heftigen Kämpfen erschüttert. Es gab eine Ausgangssperre im östlichen Teil des Viertels, Bombardierungen, Panzerbeschuss, Scharfschützenfeuer. Der Widerstand endete vor einigen Wochen, viele Menschen wurden vertrieben. Danach wurde die Enteignung von Häusern in Sur verkündet. Wie ist der derzeitige Stand dieses Vorhabens?

How Russia sees Kurdish quest for autonomy

As Russia and the United States continue discussions on what a real cease-fire in Syria might look like, Moscow insists that Kurds be included in the Geneva peace talks. The idea, by and large, is shared by the moderate Syrian opposition and Washington, while Ankara understandably opposes the idea.

Eskalation im Krieg zwischen Regierung und PKK

"Die Stadt Nusaybin brennt", postete Ali Atalan, alevitischer Abgeordneter der pro-kurdischen HDP (Demokratische Partei der Völker) im türkischen Parlament, am vergangenen Donnerstag auf seiner Facebook-Seite und bei Twitter.

Bereits Mitte April 2016 sandte Atalan via soziale Netzwerke im Internet Hilferufe an die Weltöffentlichkeit (Türkei: Militärischer Angriff auf Nusaybin). Zu dem Zeitpunkt sprach er von schwerem militärischen Gerät, das die Armee gegen die Bevölkerung der historischen Stadt in Stellung bringen würde. Seit vergangenen Donnerstag bombardiert das Militär die Stadt, die in unmittelbarer Nähe zu Syrien liegt, ununterbrochen, wie Atalan Telepolis gegenüber auf Facebook bestätigte.

PKK voided the Sykes Picot Agreement a quarter of a century ago

Medicine and surgery deal with ISIS in Turkey

Inspector reports and classified documents have emerged after the ISIS attack that claimed the lives of 102 people in Ankara on October 10.

According to the ‘classified’ documents of Ankara Governorate Provincial Police Headquarters, several Turkish employers have made medicine deal with ISIS, as part of which Turkish doctors operate ISIS gangs injured in Iraq and Syria in return for high amounts of payments.

'Prison-break' service for ISIS members jailed in Kocaeli

Five ISIS members imprisoned in Kocaeli have escaped from jail.

Jailed ISIS members Gökhan Bulut, İrfan Yıldız, Raşit Karadağ, Serdar Sarıçam and Duran Çoban had been transferred to Kocaeli Open Prison two weeks ago on their demand.

The five convicts were transferred to the open prison despite intelligence reports stating them as flight risks, and they escaped on May 3.

Rojava warns Turkey to stop its attacks

Rojava Cantons General Coordination issued a written statement on the crimes Turkish state forces have been committing in Rojava.

Rojava Cantons General Coordination stated that Syria has been open to violence despite their efforts to uphold peace and security in the region, and the Turkish state has been upsetting the coordination’s efforts to provide peace and security on the border between Rojava and Turkey.

The coordination described the Turkish state’s acts targeting Rojava’s residents from Afrin to the border with Iraq as inhumane, and noted that Turkish solider continue to capture, torture and kill civilians. The coordination recalled Turkish soldier’s numerous violation of the border, occupation of Rojava and shelling of self-defense forces. The coordination emphasized that Turkey allows terrorist groups to use the border but bombs civilian areas and kills hundreds of people from Cizîr, Afrîn and Kobanê cantons.

Amnesty International calls for blocking of arms to Islamist rebels attacking Kurds in Aleppo

Barzani pressures Êzidîs to fight against the PKK

Masoud Barzani met with 300 Êzidî peshmergas and mukhtars in the Sıhêle military base in Duhok yesterday, and pressured them to fight against the PKK.

A peshmerga, who wishes to remain anonymous due to security concerns, that participated in the meeting spoke to ANF and said that Barzani pressured peshmergas and mukhtars to fight against the PKK but was met with a harsh reaction.

Kurdish Week activities in Basque Country

The program organised by a collaboration between Gernika municipality and Kurdish-Basque Friendship Association will start today with a discussion titled “The War Process in Syria and the Current State in Kurdistan”.

Demirtaş: We'll resist the dictatorship of the Palace to the end

HDP, DBP, DTK and HDK officials as well as KJA activists and DBP provincial and district executives attended a press conference outside the DBP General Headquarters in Amed responding to the ongoing detention of DBP co-chair Kamuran Yüksek and increasingly ongoing operations of political genocide against the Kurdish population and politicians.

Speaking here, HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş called attention to the ban on doing democratic politics for those standing against the monist mindset for 90 years, which -he said- continued today with the obstructions imposed by the AKP government against the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).