Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Mich auch, nur sind das leider noch keine "realen Zahlen", da hier das Bild durch 2 Variant-Cover "verfälscht" wird. Richtig spannend wird es dann erst mit der # 2 und den folgenden Heften.

Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:


Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Well, here’s something I never thought I’d see - a month where most of the six-month comparisons are going up. July was an extremely good month for Marvel, mostly thanks to CIVIL WAR. On top of that, X-MEN and UNCANNY X-MEN get new creative teams, a new GHOST RIDER title launches, and the BEYOND! miniseries begins. Once again, Marvel are the runaway market leader. They beat DC in dollar share by 40.4% to 33.9%, and in unit share by 44.3% to 35.9%.

One of Marvel’s big July events isn’t on this chart at all, though. The HALO GRAPHIC NOVEL is over on the graphic novels chart, where it made number 2 with orders of 10,528. Not a desperately huge audience by direct market standards, but it doesn’t matter - a book like HALO is aimed at a wider audience and its sales won’t be confined to the direct market stores.

Thanks as always to Milton Griepp and ICV2 for permission to use their figures for these calculations.

Since our new home at the Beat has rather narrower margins, last month’s tables suffered from a bit of line wrap. The obvious way round that is to stop repeating the whole title in every single line. So…

May 06 #1 (of 7) - 326,400
Jun 06 #2 (of 7) - 299,964 (-8.1%)
Jul 06 #3 (of 7) - 290,709 (-3.1%)

See, isn’t that so much nicer?

Now then… CIVIL WAR. Once again, the line-wide crossover sprawled across Marvel’s output in July. If you’re keeping track, it clocks in at one issue of CIVIL WAR itself, seven tie-in issues in regular titles (it was meant to be eight, but FANTASTIC FOUR didn’t come out on time), four issues of special CIVIL WAR tie-in miniseries, a SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN issue about Spider-Man losing his mask, the Director’s Cut of CIVIL WAR #1, and a mock CIVIL WAR Daily Bugle newspaper. In other words, thirteen issues of actual story before you even get to the variant covers. And every one is raking in the sales.

The book is also performing well in re-orders. As always, the extra copies are included in the numbers above. Issue #1 sold a further 47,880 in July, comprising 32,878 copies of the Director’s Cut edition, plus normal reorders of 15,002 (which would include the variant covers). Issue #2 had reorders of 46,108, surely also driven in part by variants. Still, a sale is a sale, and the fact is that even on the US direct market numbers, CIVIL WAR is consistently selling around the 300K mark - an incredible performance to sustain for three issues.


There’s a catch.

CIVIL WAR is running horribly late, and Marvel have just announced some drastic rescheduling. Issue #4, which should have been out in August, is not coming out in September. Issue #5, which should have been out in September, is now due for November. Marvel have announced issues #6 and #7 for December 2006 and January 2007.

Although Marvel claim that they don’t anticipate any further rescheduling, it’s difficult to see what possible basis they can have for that belief. It means the book would be back on a monthly schedule in November, and Steve McNiven has already spelt out quite clearly that he can’t produce the book on a monthly schedule. In fact, Mark Millar has openly admitted that the creators never thought the original schedule was achievable - which begs the question of why on earth it was fixed in the first place.

This sort of delay is hardly unprecedented. We all know the usual routine. Everyone grumbles about the book being late, and then they buy it anyway. ULTIMATES is a good example. There would be no point shipping that book with fill-in art, because Bryan Hitch is the main selling point.

I’m not quite so convinced that Steve McNiven is a personal selling point for CIVIL WAR. I think the brand name itself is selling comics. Look at the 100K-plus sales of FRONT LINE, and the massive boosts enjoyed by the tie-in issues. I think Marvel would have got away with putting another artist on the core title, as long as they were given enough lead-in time to do a suitably good job. But they’ve left it far too late for that now.

On top of that, CIVIL WAR is a special case, because it’s the lynchpin of a linewide crossover. Marvel have already postponed issues of CIVIL WAR: FRONT LINE, FANTASTIC FOUR, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN and PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL because of the knock-on effect. Logically, there have to be more. Unless they’re prepared to blow the ending of CIVIL WAR, how can they possibly move on to the next arc in NEW AVENGERS? Or CAPTAIN AMERICA? Or IRON MAN? Or any of the three Spider-Man titles? How can they launch MIGHTY AVENGERS? Or continue the relaunch of THOR? And so on.

On any realistic assessment, the end of CIVIL WAR is slipping by a quarter. That’s a heck of a lot of comics - many of them top sellers - which are potentially going to vanish from the shelves while everyone stands around, twiddling their thumbs, and waiting for CIVIL WAR to finish.

Another option is to do what DC did with INFINITE CRISIS and bring in a rush-job fill-in artist. Of course, the results of that were far from ideal, but it doesn’t seem to have done them any harm in the long run. They can always go back to fix it in the trade, if they’re that worried about the quality of the trade paperback.

And then there’s option three: plough on with the other comics anyway, and blow the ending of CIVIL WAR weeks before it hits the shelves. Marvel don’t even seem to be considering that.

None of the options are ideal. Of course, if Marvel had put the book on an achievable schedule in the first place, they wouldn’t be having his problem. Anyhow, the omens look bleak for huge disruption to Marvel’s top selling comics over the next few months. DC must be breaking out the party hats. Marvel, meanwhile, have gone to great lengths to publicise a project that now makes them look like a bunch of incompetents. And while readers are merely inconvenienced, retailers can stare at their cashflow forecasts and weep.

The CIVIL WAR miniseries itself will still sell just fine when it resumes. That’s not really in doubt. The interesting question will be how badly the knock-on effects mount up - there are real financial consequences here, in terms of months when Marvel’s major titles could be missing from the shelves.

Jul 01 #44 - 62,604
Jul 02 #56 - 51,798
Jul 03 —
Jul 04 #500 - 105,617
Jul 05 #7 - 158,693 ( -3.6%)
Aug 05 #8 - 156,037 ( -1.7%)
Aug 05 #9 - 147,501 ( -5.5%)
Sep 05 #10 - 143,014 ( -3.0%)
Sep 05 #11 - 134,125 ( -6.2%)
Oct 05 #12 - 130,110 ( -3.0%)
Nov 05 #13 - 126,148 ( -3.0%)
Dec 05 #14 - 126,583 ( +0.3%)
Jan 06 #15 - 124,143 ( -1.9%)
Feb 06 #16 - 124,256 ( +0.1%)
Mar 06 #17 - 122,847 ( -1.1%)
Apr 06 #18 - 121,550 ( -1.1%)
May 06 #19 - 125,223 ( +3.0%)
Jun 06 #20 - 125,600 ( +0.3%)
Jun 06 #21 - 142,625 (+13.6%)
Jul 06 #22 - 124,617 (-12.6%)
6 mnth ( +3.4%)
1 year (-21.5%)
2 year (+18.0%)

Dropping back to its normal level after a variant cover last month. This is a CIVIL WAR tie-in arc, but it doesn’t seem to be making any real difference to sales, perhaps because NEW AVENGERS was so high to start with. As we’ll see, the effects on lower-selling titles are frequently astonishing.

Issue #21 picks up 8,347 reorders. And remarkably, the NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI special is back yet again, this time with a Civil War variant cover. This time it charts at number 141 with a further 13,333 orders, bringing the total to 140,944.

Jul 01 #33 - 79,564
Jul 02 #43 - 98,980
Jul 03 #55 - 95,467
Jul 04 #510 - 84,750
Jul 05 #522 - 73,130 ( -1.3%)
Aug 05 #523 - 72,046 ( -1.5%)
Sep 05 #524 - 71,065 ( -1.4%)
Oct 05 #525 - 91,707 (+29.0%)
Nov 05 #526 - 90,343 ( -1.5%)
Dec 05 #527 - 89,922 ( -0.5%)
Jan 06 #528 - 97,807 ( -8.8%)
Feb 06 #529 - 132,329 (+35.3%)
Mar 06 #530 - 101,226 (-23.5%)
Apr 06 #531 - 96,213 ( -5.0%)
May 06 #532 - 119,083 (+23.8%)
Jun 06 #533 - 128,734 ( +8.1%)
Jul 06 #534 - 113,522 (-11.8%)
6 mnth (+16.1%)
1 year (+55.2%)
2 year (+33.9%)
3 year (+18.9%)

Another CIVIL WAR tie-in, and again performing way above its normal level. The tie-in issues are performing well in re-orders, and of course variant covers are present once again. Issue #533 sells another 15,752 copies, while issue #532 sells 13,560 more. Even allowing for the variant dimension, this is a vast level of re-order activity by Marvel’s standards.

Jun 06 #1 (of 11) - 126,929
Jun 06 #2 (of 11) - 118,392 (-6.7%)
Jul 06 #3 (of 11) - 111,421 (-5.9%)
Jul 06 #4 (of 11) - 103,153 (-7.4%)

Dropping out of the top ten, but still above the 100K mark - a remarkable achievement for the secondary CIVIL WAR book. Both of the June issues see reorders - 4,872 for issue #1, and 15,650 for issue #2.

die Zahlen sehen etwas komisch aus, liegt jedoch an der hohen Anzahl von Nachbestellungen, bloss die Zahl von NA ist etwas komisch

Apr 06 #1 - 182,672
May 06 #2 - 131,522 (-28.0%)
Jun 06 #3 - 116,058 (-11.8%)
Jul 06 #4 - 110,830 ( -4.5%)

The highest book that isn’t a CIVIL WAR tie-in, and it’s levelling out at a very good number indeed. The Director’s Cut edition of issue #1 also ships this month, charting at number 113 and adding a further 18,432 sales.

Jul 06 #1 (of 4) - 106,162

Back to CIVIL WAR, and this is the X-Men’s rather tenuous tie-in. It’s really a sequel to X-MEN: THE 198, but hey, Iron Man appears for two pages, so what more do you want? Once again, the crossover sales are enormous.

Jul 01 #166 - 70,933
Jul 02 #179 - 68,083
Jul 03 #3 - 90,717
Jul 04 #17 - 66,589
Jul 05 #30 - 76,651 ( -4.1%)
Aug 05 #31 - 75,618 ( -1.3%)
Sep 05 #32 - 89,026 (+17.7%)
Sep 05 #33 - 78,508 (-11.8%)
Oct 05 #34 - 75,664 ( -3.6%)
Oct 05 #35 - 73,684 ( -2.6%)
Nov 05 #36 - 94,355 (+28.1%)
Dec 05 #37 - 73,866 (-21.7%)
Jan 06 #38 - 73,815 ( -0.0%)
Feb 06 #39 - 75,285 ( +2.0%)
Mar 06 #40 - 77,627 ( +3.1%)
Apr 06 #41 - 70,965 ( -8.6%)
May 06 #42 - 112,209 (+58.1%)
Jun 06 #43 - 101,759 ( -9.3%)
Jul 06 #44 - 105,220 ( +3.4%)
6 mnth (+42.5%)
1 year (+37.3%)
2 year (+58.0%)
3 year (+16.0%)

Another CIVIL WAR tie-in arc, and sales remain way above normal levels. And once again, the crossover issues are piling on the reorders. A variant cover helps to shift 15,093 extra copies of issue #42, while issue #43 has straightforward reorders of 3,952.

Wolverine rockt

Jul 01 #396 - 117,560
Jul 02 #408 - 87,074
Jul 03 #428 - 93,546
Jul 04 #446 - 96,961
Jul 05 #462 - 91,125 ( -0.1%)
Aug 05 #463 - 87,610 ( -3.9%)
Sep 05 #464 - 85,885 ( -2.0%)
Oct 05 #465 - 84,271 ( -1.9%)
Nov 05 #466 - 82,825 ( -1.7%)
Dec 05 #467 - 81,282 ( -1.9%)
Jan 06 #468 - 79,808 ( -1.8%)
Feb 06 #469 - 79,039 ( -1.0%)
Mar 06 #470 - 79,389 ( +0.4%)
Mar 06 #471 - 78,286 ( -1.4%)
Apr 06 #472 - 79,157 ( +1.1%)
May 06 #473 - 79,335 ( +0.2%)
Jun 06 #474 - 78,140 ( -1.5%)
Jul 06 #475 - 103,993 (+33.1%)
Jul 06 #476 - 88,775 (-14.6%)
6 mnth (+11.2%)
1 year ( -2.6%)
2 year ( -8.4%)
3 year ( -5.1%)

Ed Brubaker and Billy Tan take over with issue #475, and sales duly rocket over the 100K mark - although in such a busy month, it’s not enough to get them into the top ten. With the second issue of the month, they drop back to 89K. It’s good, and it’s a big improvement on the number inherited from Chris Claremont, but it’s really no better than the title was doing a year ago. Still, with CIVIL WAR taking most of the attention, this creative jump hasn’t been hyped as much as you’d expect, and overall these are good results.

liegen schon unter dem Wert das Uncanny vor einem Jahr hatte, jedoch muss man erst nächsten Monat abwarten um Konkrete Zahlen zu kennen

Sep 05 #1 (of 6) - 119,575
Oct 05 #2 (of 6) - 71,473 (-40.2%)
Nov 05 #3 (of 6) - 62,914 (-12.0%)
Dec 05 #4 (of 6) - 59,678 ( -5.1%)
Jan 06 #5 (of 6) - 56,958 ( -4.6%)
Feb 06 #6 (of 6) - 55,802 ( -2.0%)
Mar 06 —
Apr 06 —
May 06 —
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #1 - 98,826 (+77.1%)
6 mnth (+73.5%)

Following the success of Garth Ennis’ miniseries, Daniel Way and Mark Texeira bring the Ghost Rider back for another ongoing title. Although issue #1 of the miniseries did better, that’s only after reorders and variants are factored in - in its first month, it sold 95,182. Sales dropped off quite severely by the end of the miniseries, but even so, it sold very well for a Ghost Rider book, and the ongoing title looks to have inherited the momentum.

verkauft sich besser als die Mini, also alles gut hier

17,23. X-MEN
Jul 01 #116 - 120,703
Jul 02 #129 - 98,817
Jul 03 #143 - 99,850
Jul 04 #159 - 93,164
Jul 05 #173 - 77,154 ( -2.2%)
Aug 05 #174 - 76,342 ( -1.1%)
Sep 05 #175 - 76,555 ( +0.3%)
Oct 05 #176 - 74,635 ( -2.5%)
Nov 05 #177 - 78,405 ( +5.1%)
Nov 05 #178 - 76,195 ( -2.8%)
Dec 05 #179 - 77,189 ( +1.3%)
Dec 05 #180 - 75,559 ( -2.1%)
Jan 06 #181 - 74,094 ( -1.9%)
Feb 06 #182 - 78,653 ( +6.2%)
Feb 06 #183 - 79,477 ( +1.0%)
Mar 06 #184 - 79,480 ( +0.0%)
Apr 06 #185 - 78,815 ( -0.8%)
May 06 #186 - 79,536 ( +0.9%)
Jun 06 #187 - 77,918 ( -2.0%)
Jul 06 #188 - 95,487 (+22.5%)
Jul 06 #189 - 82,268 (-13.8%)
6 mnth (+11.0%)
1 year ( +6.6%)
2 year (-11.7%)
3 year (-17.6%)

The other monthly X-Men book also changes its creative team, with Mike Carey coming aboard as writer and Chris Bachalo jumping over from UNCANNY to provide the art. This book has been in the doldrums for a couple of years, compared to the sort of sales it used to deliver, and the initial signs here are promising - even the second issue of the month does better than X-MEN had managed in the previous year.

Jul 06 #1 (of 4) - 85,346

Back to CIVIL WAR, and a miniseries which serves to plug RUNAWAYS and to bridge the gap between seasons of YOUNG AVENGERS. YOUNG AVENGERS normally sells around 56K, so this is a very healthy number.

Meanwhile, YOUNG AVENGERS #12 scrapes onto the bottom end of the chart at number 299, with reorders of 1,681. That brings its total sales to 57,927.

Jul 04 #9 - 92,923
Jul 05 #21 - 91,321 (+32.2%)
Aug 05 #22 - 71,767 (-21.4%)
Sep 05 #23 - 71,494 ( -0.4%)
Oct 05 #24 - 70,549 ( -1.3%)
Nov 05 #25 - 70,032 ( -0.7%)
Dec 05 #26 - 69,689 ( -0.5%)
Jan 06 —
Feb 06 #27 - 67,922 ( -2.5%)
Mar 06 #28 - 67,480 ( -0.7%)
Apr 06 #29 - 67,554 ( +0.1%)
May 06 #30 - 103,837 (+53.7%)
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #31 - 84,460 (-18.7%)
6 mnth (+24.3%)
1 year ( -7.5%)
2 year ( -9.1%)

The second part of the zombie arc. Once again, it benefits in part from a variant cover, and in part from the surprise success of MARVEL ZOMBIES.

wer hätte gedacht dass die Marvel Zombied populärer als die FF sind

Jul 01 #11 - 79,267
Jul 02 #24 - 92,459
Jul 03 #43 - 101,316
Jul 04 #62 - 98,963
Jul 05 #79 - 78,404 ( -1.3%)
Jul 05 #80 - 76,906 ( -1.9%)
Aug 05 #81 - 75,572 ( -1.7%)
Sep 05 #82 - 75,756 ( +0.2%)
Sep 05 #83 - 75,539 ( -0.3%)
Oct 05 #84 - 74,670 ( -1.2%)
Nov 05 #85 - 74,264 ( -0.5%)
Nov 05 #86 - 76,864 ( +3.5%)
Dec 05 #87 - 74,537 ( -3.0%)
Dec 05 #88 - 74,213 ( -0.4%)
Jan 06 #89 - 71,935 ( -3.1%)
Feb 06 #90 - 71,470 ( -0.6%)
Mar 06 #91 - 74,028 ( +3.6%)
Mar 06 #92 - 72,269 ( -2.4%)
Apr 06 #93 - 72,831 ( +0.8%)
May 06 #94 - 74,051 ( +1.7%)
May 06 #95 - 73,564 ( -0.7%)
Jun 06 #96 - 73,472 ( -0.1%)
Jul 06 #97 - 76,612 ( +4.3%)
6 mnth ( +6.5%)
1 year ( -2.3%)
2 year (-22.6%)
3 year (-24.4%)

That 4.3% climb is for the first part of the Ultimate Clone Saga. No, seriously, that’s the only apparent reason.

Die Klonsaga scheint doch beliebt gewesen zu sein...

Jun 06 #1 (of 6) - 108,157
Jul 06 #2 (of 6) - 74,193 (-31.4%)

A hefty second issue drop for a series which may have fallen between the cracks in terms of promotion. Issue #1 picks up reorders of 4,940. These are great numbers by the standards of the Eternals, but that’s not saying much. Gaiman’s last major project for Marvel, MARVEL 1602, sold consistently over 100K. Against that benchmark, this is disappointing.

wirklich enttäuschend

Let’s pause now for a break from the excitement and look at a book where it’s just business as usual.

Jul 01 #8 - 99,527
Jul 02 #20 - 92,927
Jul 03 #35 - 109,687
Jul 04 #49 - 93,572
Jul 05 #61 - 87,094 (+10.8%)
Aug 05 #62 - 76,229 (-12.5%)
Sep 05 #63 - 74,760 ( -1.9%)
Oct 05 #64 - 75,118 ( +0.5%)
Nov 05 #65 - 74,264 ( -1.1%)
Dec 05 —
Jan 06 #66 - 73,720 ( -0.7%)
Feb 06 #67 - 72,700 ( -1.4%)
Mar 06 #68 - 72,765 ( +0.1%)
Apr 06 #69 - 73,188 ( +0.6%)
May 06 #70 - 72,235 ( -1.3%)
Jun 06 #71 - 71,314 ( -1.3%)
Jul 06 #72 - 70,593 ( -1.0%)
6 mnth ( -4.2%)
1 year (-18.9%)
2 year (-24.6%)
3 year (-35.6%)

Well, that was nice.

Now, back to CIVIL WAR.

Jul 01 #34 - 19,876
Jul 02 #47 - 19,185
Jul 03 #62 - 15,774
Jul 05 #6 - 35,256 ( -5.7%)
Aug 05 #7 - 42,905 ( +21.7%)
Sep 05 #8 - 46,239 ( +7.8%)
Oct 05 #9 - 40,173 ( -13.1%)
Nov 05 #10 - 31,987 ( -20.4%)
Dec 05 #11 - 29,327 ( -8.3%)
Jan 06 #12 - 27,933 ( -4.7%)
Feb 06 #13 - 26,054 ( -6.7%)
Mar 06 #14 - 28,809 ( +10.6%)
Apr 06 #15 - 28,361 ( -1.6%)
May 06 #16 - 28,091 ( -1.0%)
Jun 06 #17 - 27,993 ( -0.3%)
Jul 06 #18 - 69,912 (+149.7%)
6 mnth (+150.3%)
1 year ( +98.3%)
2 year ( — )
3 year (+343.2%)

This is the wedding of Storm and the Black Panther, and the sales increase is enormous. But is it due to the wedding, or to the CIVIL WAR tie-in? Given the lacklustre sales on this storyline to date, and the fact that other low-selling books have seen similar climbs on the back of the crossover, I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s 90% CIVIL WAR. Marvel have just announced a belated CIVIL WAR tie-in for upcoming issues.

Dec 05 #1 - 64,861
Dec 05 #2 - 52,705 (-18.7%)
Jan 06 —
Feb 06 #3 - 48,307 ( -8.3%)
Mar 06 #4 - 48,183 ( -0.3%)
Mar 06 #5 - 46,490 ( -3.5%)
Apr 06 #6 - 45,220 ( -2.7%)
May 06 #7 - 44,315 ( -2.0%)
Jun 06 #8 - 65,150 (+47.0%)
Jul 06 #9 - 68,799 ( +5.6%)
6 mnth (+42.4%)

The second half of X-FACTOR’s CIVIL WAR tie-in, and sales go up even more. Issue #8 picks up reorders of 6,019. The ongoing storylines have continued more or less as normal, so at least crossover readers have had a chance to see what the title is normally like. It’ll be interesting to see whether it holds on to any sales gain.

Jul 04 #4 - 75,508
Jul 05 #16 - 50,876 ( -6.0%)
Aug 05 #17 - 48,555 ( -4.6%)
Sep 05 #18 - 47,654 ( -1.9%)
Oct 05 #19 - 75,461 (+58.4%)
Nov 05 #20 - 73,262 ( -2.9%)
Dec 05 #21 - 76,763 ( +4.8%)
Jan 06 #22 - 74,923 ( -2.4%)
Feb 06 #23 - 59,051 (-21.2%)
Mar 06 #24 - 53,910 ( -8.7%)
Apr 06 #25 - 51,992 ( -3.6%)
May 06 #26 - 52,496 ( +1.0%)
Jun 06 #27 - 50,721 ( -3.4%)
Jul 06 #28 - 58,532 (+15.4%)
6 mnth (-21.9%)
1 year (+15.0%)
2 year (-22.5%)

Not technically a CIVIL WAR tie-in, but the next best thing - this is a story about Spider-Man unmasking, which happened in CIVIL WAR. The original solicitation was obscure in order to avoid spoiling the plot (although in fairness, it was perfectly accurate and did indicate a loose Civil War tie-in). The title is duly rewarded with a significant sales boost.

Jul 04 #5 - 32,594
Jul 05 #17 - 34,393 ( +39.7%)
Aug 05 #18 - 25,304 ( -26.4%)
Sep 05 #19 - 25,298 ( -0.0%)
Sep 05 #20 - 24,982 ( -1.2%)
Oct 05 #21 - 25,030 ( +0.2%)
Nov 05 #22 - 23,746 ( -5.1%)
Dec 05 #23 - 23,296 ( -1.9%)
Jan 06 #24 - 23,542 ( +1.1%)
Feb 06 #25 - 22,918 ( -2.7%)
Mar 06 #26 - 25,584 ( +11.6%)
Apr 06 #27 - 26,153 ( +2.2%)
May 06 #28 - 25,665 ( -1.9%)
Jun 06 #29 - 25,368 ( -1.2%)
Jul 06 #30 - 56,818 (+124.0%)
6 mnth (+141.3%)
1 year ( +65.2%)
2 year ( +74.3%)

CIVIL WAR tie-in, and another massive increase as a low-selling book leapfrogs up the charts to take its moment in the sun. And it’s not the only one…

Jul 01 #54 - 34,338
Jul 02 #67 - 28,133
Jul 03 #81 - 17,211
Jul 05 #10 - 25,978 ( -4.8%)
Aug 05 #11 - 37,036 ( +42.6%)
Sep 05 #12 - 25,912 ( -30.0%)
Oct 05 #13 - 29,250 ( +12.9%)
Oct 05 #14 - 27,864 ( -4.7%)
Nov 05 #15 - 25,245 ( -9.4%)
Dec 05 #16 - 25,084 ( -0.6%)
Jan 06 #17 - 23,417 ( -6.7%)
Feb 06 #18 - 23,735 ( +1.4%)
Mar 06 #100 - 26,798 ( +12.9%)
Apr 06 #101 - 24,170 ( -9.8%)
May 06 #102 - 23,741 ( -1.8%)
Jun 06 #103 - 60,823 (+156.2%)
Jul 06 #104 - 54,092 ( -11.1%)
6 mnth (+131.0%)
1 year (+108.2%)
2 year ( — )
3 year (+214.3%)

THUNDERBOLTS has a whole CIVIL WAR tie-in storyline, and issue #103 picks up 12,765 in reorders thanks in large part to a variant cover. It’s been many, many years since THUNDERBOLTS was regularly selling at these lofty heights.

Jul 01 #20 - 54,860
Jul 02 #35 - 50,045
Jul 03 #49 - 50,165
Jul 04 #62 - 52,936
Jul 05 #75 - 47,800 ( -0.8%)
Aug 05 #76 - 46,424 ( -2.9%)
Sep 05 #77 - 45,945 ( -1.0%)
Oct 05 #78 - 45,071 ( -1.9%)
Nov 05 #79 - 44,250 ( -1.8%)
Dec 05 #80 - 43,309 ( -2.1%)
Jan 06 #81 - 44,252 ( +2.2%)
Feb 06 #82 - 53,058 (+19.9%)
Mar 06 #83 - 46,804 (-11.8%)
Apr 06 #84 - 47,123 ( +0.7%)
May 06 #85 - 47,899 ( +1.6%)
Jun 06 #86 - 48,280 ( +0.8%)
Jul 06 #87 - 49,436 ( +2.4%)
6 mnth (+11.7%)
1 year ( +3.4%)
2 year ( -6.6%)
3 year ( -1.4%)

Not a CIVIL WAR crossover, not a stunt of any sort. It’s just climbing because people like it.

Jul 01 #30 - 34,408
Jul 02 #43 - 48,077
Jul 03 #57 - 64,959
Jul 04 #74 - 43,383
Jul 05 #83 - 63,881 (+47.7%)
Jul 05 #84 - 58,583 ( -8.3%)
Aug 05 #85 - 53,177 ( -9.2%)
Sep 05 #86 - 52,992 ( -0.3%)
Oct 05 #87 - 42,454 (-19.9%)
Nov 05 #88 - 41,141 ( -3.1%)
Nov 05 #89 - 39,635 ( -3.7%)
Dec 05 #90 - 36,924 ( -6.8%)
Jan 06 #91 - 35,980 ( -2.6%)
Feb 06 #92 - 53,661 (+49.1%)
Mar 06 #93 - 47,437 (-11.6%)
Apr 06 #94 - 47,966 ( +1.1%)
May 06 #95 - 49,089 ( +2.3%)
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #96 - 49,209 ( +0.2%)
6 mnth (+36.8%)
1 year (-23.0%)
2 year (+13.4%)
3 year (-24.2%)

Also gathering momentum as the “Planet Hulk” storyline proceeds, though once again it’s worth remembering that these are not exceptionally high sales by the standards of the last few years.

Planet Hulk scheint endlich interessant zu werden

Oct 05 #1 - 100,430
Nov 05 #2 - 82,988 (-17.4%)
Dec 05 #3 - 81,309 ( -2.0%)
Jan 06 #4 - 78,672 ( -3.2%)
Feb 06 —
Mar 06 #5 - 59,900 (-23.9%)
Mar 06 #6 - 58,853 ( -1.7%)
Apr 06 #7 - 55,381 ( -5.9%)
May 06 #8 - 53,910 ( -2.7%)
Jun 06 #9 - 50,177 ( -6.9%)
Jul 06 #10 - 48,902 ( -2.5%)
6 mnth (-37.8%)

Quietly declining. Don’t worry, there’s a loose CIVIL WAR tie-in next month.

Jul 01 #45 - 36,551
Jul 02 #4 - 65,631
Jul 03 #15 - 45,520
Jul 04 #29 - 40,221
Jul 05 —
Aug 05 #8 - 51,842 ( +9.9%)
Aug 05 #9 - 44,638 (-13.9%)
Sep 05 #10 - 52,609 (+17.9%)
Oct 05 #11 - 45,162 (-14.2%)
Nov 05 #12 - 45,038 ( -0.3%)
Dec 05 #13 - 44,954 ( -0.2%)
Jan 05 —
Feb 06 #14 - 44,041 ( -0.2%)
Feb 06 #15 - 43,350 ( -1.6%)
Mar 06 #16 - 44,717 ( +3.2%)
Apr 06 #17 - 45,541 ( +1.8%)
May 06 #18 - 46,740 ( +2.6%)
Jun 06 #19 - 47,315 ( +1.2%)
Jul 06 #20 - 47,357 ( +0.1%)
6 mnth ( +7.5%)
1 year ( -8.7%)
2 year (+17.7%)
3 year ( +4.0%)

Like DAREDEVIL, this is an Ed Brubaker title slowly climbing the charts simply because people like it. How old fashioned.

Jul 04 #11 - 63,007
Jul 05 —
Aug 05 #18 - 50,594 ( -3.2%)
Sep 05 —
Oct 05 —
Nov 05 —
Dec 05 —
Jan 06 —
Feb 06 —
Mar 06 #1 - 61,625 (+21.8%)
Apr 06 #2 - 51,197 (-16.9%)
May 06 #3 - 49,205 ( -3.9%)
Jun 06 #4 - 48,035 ( -1.8%)
Jul 06 #5 - 46,029 ( -4.2%)
6 mnth ( — )
1 year ( -9.0%)
2 year (-26.9%)

Still dropping, and now comfortably below the sales of the previous run. This relaunch has unequivocally failed in its mission to boost sales by dropping the “mature readers” tag. Mind you, it probably hasn’t done any harm in the long run either.

Take that JMS

Jul 03 #3 - 43,614
Jul 04 #3 - 55,304
Jul 05 #16 - 49,217 (+44.7%)
Aug 05 #17 - 43,908 (-10.8%)
Sep 05 #18 - 43,286 ( -1.4%)
Oct 05 #19 - 41,691 ( -3.7%)
Nov 05 #20 - 59,466 (+42.6%)
Dec 05 #21 - 43,473 (-26.9%)
Jan 06 #22 - 42,923 ( -1.3%)
Feb 06 #23 - 41,463 ( -3.4%)
Mar 06 #24 - 42,044 ( +1.4%)
Apr 06 #25 - 40,176 ( -4.4%)
May 06 #26 - 40,073 ( -0.3%)
Jun 06 #27 - 39,785 ( -0.7%)
Jul 06 #28 - 39,771 ( -0.0%)
6 mnth ( -7.3%)
1 year (-19.2%)
2 year (-28.1%)
3 year ( -8.8%)

Pretty much level.

Apr 06 #1 (of 4) - 49,120
May 06 #2 (of 4) - 44,230 (-10.0%)
Jun 06 #3 (of 4) - 41,637 ( -5.9%)
Jul 06 #4 (of 4) - 39,181 ( -5.9%)

The highest of the four ANNIHILATION miniseries, all of which concluded in July. Considering that some of the characters involved are distinctly D-list, the books have delivered solid sales in a crowded market. The core ANNIHILATION miniseries is unlikely to be a runaway hit, but it should perform respectably.

Mar 06 #1 - 73,407
Apr 06 #2 - 46,204 (-37.1%)
May 06 #3 - 43,048 ( -6.8%)
Jun 06 #4 - 40,627 ( -5.6%)
Jul 06 #5 - 38,874 ( -4.3%)

Still not finding its level. But there’s a CIVIL WAR tie-in in August.

Jul 01 #44 - 40,498
Jul 02 #57 - 35,992
Jul 03 #70 - 32,208
Jul 04 #86 - 34,520
Jul 05 —
Aug 05 #4 - 48,403 ( -5.8%)
Sep 05 —
Oct 05 —
Nov 05 —
Dec 05 —
Jan 06 #5 - 45,243 ( -6.5%)
Feb 06 —
Mar 06 #6 - 40,264 (-11.0%)
Apr 06 #7 - 49,404 (+22.7%)
May 06 #8 - 38,860 (-21.3%)
Jun 06 #9 - 37,650 ( -3.1%)
Jul 06 #10 - 38,102 ( +1.2%)
6 mnth (-15.8%)
1 year (-21.3%)
2 year (+10.4%)
3 year (+18.3%)

Fluctuating around the 38K mark. Despite all the effort Marvel put into the book, IRON MAN is really just back where it was four or five years ago. The solo title hasn’t yet caught up with CIVIL WAR, though, so there could still be a big surge of interest when his major role in the crossover becomes a factor.

Nov 05 #1 - 58,333
Dec 05 #2 - 48,816 (-16.3%)
Jan 06 #3 - 47,196 ( -3.3%)
Feb 06 #4 - 45,071 ( -4.5%)
Mar 06 #5 - 43,523 ( -3.4%)
Apr 06 #6 - 40,687 ( -6.5%)
May 06 #7 - 38,744 ( -4.8%)
Jun 06 #8 - 37,428 ( -3.4%)
Jul 06 #9 - 36,466 ( -2.6%)
6 mnth (-22.7%)

The first fill-in story by Frank Tieri, and the change of writer doesn’t seem to make much difference - the book continues on its existing, and seemingly inexorable, decline.

Jul 06 #1 (of 6) - 35,728

Curious sequel to SECRET WAR featuring Spider-Man and a bunch of C-listers. (The second Kraven? The Hood? Gravity?) A good solid debut, all things considered.

Apr 06 #1 (of 4) - 42,458
May 06 #2 (of 4) - 39,602 (-6.7%)
Jun 06 #3 (of 4) - 36,663 (-7.4%)
Jul 06 #4 (of 4) - 35,194 (-4.0%)

More ANNIHILATION. See above, really.

Jul 01 #2 - 79,276
Jul 02 #14 - 45,156
Jul 03 #29 - 38,849
Jul 04 #9 - 46,882
Jul 05 #23 - 37,376 ( -1.2%)
Aug 05 #24 - 37,022 ( -0.9%)
Sep 05 #25 - 37,149 ( +0.3%)
Oct 05 #26 - 36,450 ( -1.9%)
Nov 05 #27 - 36,072 ( -1.0%)
Dec 05 #28 - 35,535 ( -1.5%)
Jan 05 #29 - 34,708 ( -2.3%)
Feb 06 #30 - 34,293 ( -1.2%)
Mar 06 #31 - 34,505 ( +0.6%)
Apr 06 #32 - 34,076 ( -1.2%)
May 06 #33 - 34,480 ( +1.2%)
Jun 06 #34 - 34,161 ( -0.9%)
Jul 06 #35 - 34,116 ( -0.1%)
6 mnth ( -1.7%)
1 year ( -8.7%)
2 year (-27.2%)
3 year (-12.2%)

Rock solid.

Apr 06 #1 (of 4) - 42,779
May 06 #2 (of 4) - 38,327 (-10.4%)
Jun 06 #3 (of 4) - 35,576 ( -7.2%)
Jul 06 #4 (of 4) - 33,593 ( -5.6%)

Another ANNIHILATION miniseries. This is a slightly mysterious one, since it doesn’t seem to feed into the main title at all.

Jul 01 #2 - 52,389
Jul 02 #15 - 38,955
Jul 03 #29 - 40,696
Jul 04 #49 - 37,184
Jul 05 #66 - 34,092 ( -1.1%)
Jul 05 #67 - 33,751 ( -1.0%)
Aug 05 #68 - 33,815 ( +0.2%)
Sep 05 #69 - 43,794 (+29.5%)
Sep 05 #70 - 42,434 ( -3.1%)
Oct 05 #71 - 41,131 ( -3.1%)
Nov 05 #72 - 34,329 (-16.5%)
Nov 05 #73 - 34,008 ( -0.9%)
Dec 05 #74 - 33,881 ( -0.4%)
Jan 06 #75 - 33,485 ( -1.2%)
Jan 06 #76 - 32,843 ( -1.9%)
Feb 06 #77 - 32,998 ( +0.5%)
Mar 06 #78 - 33,506 ( +1.5%)
Apr 06 #79 - 34,119 ( +1.8%)
May 06 #80 - 34,039 ( -0.2%)
May 06 #81 - 33,908 ( -0.4%)
Jun 06 #82 - 33,342 ( -1.7%)
Jun 06 #83 - 33,143 ( -0.6%)
Jul 06 #84 - 32,866 ( -0.8%)
6 mnth ( +0.1%)
1 year ( -3.6%)
2 year (-11.6%)
3 year (-19.2%)

Still hovering in its usual range.

Apr 06 #1 (of 4) - 39,010
May 06 #2 (of 4) - 36,311 (-6.9%)
Jun 06 #3 (of 4) - 33,074 (-8.9%)
Jul 06 #4 (of 4) - 31,719 (-4.1%)

The final ANNIHILATION miniseries.

Jul 04 #5 - 25,788
Oct 05 #1 - 37,220 ( +60.4%)
Nov 05 #2 - 31,610 ( -15.1%)
Dec 05 #3 - 29,428 ( -6.9%)
Jan 06 #4 - 28,214 ( -4.1%)
Feb 06 #5 - 27,183 ( -3.7%)
Mar 06 #6 - 26,631 ( -2.0%)
Apr 06 —
May 06 #7 - 26,561 ( -0.3%)
May 06 #8 - 58,053 (+118.6%)
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #9 - 29,902 ( -48.5%)
6 mnth ( +6.0%)
1 year ( — )
2 year ( +16.0%)

This is actually the June issue, shipping a month late. Issue #8 was a CIVIL WAR tie-in, but the book has at least held on to a couple of thousand sales. The tie-in issue picks up re-orders of 14,241 thanks to a variant cover.

Jul 03 #4 - 20,246
Jul 04 —
Jul 05 #6 - 27,365 ( -3.7%)
Aug 05 #7 - 27,063 ( -1.1%)
Sep 05 #8 - 26,954 ( -0.4%)
Oct 05 #9 - 26,800 ( -0.6%)
Nov 05 #10 - 25,761 ( -3.9%)
Dec 05 #11 - 25,260 ( -1.9%)
Jan 06 #12 - 24,989 ( -1.1%)
Feb 06 #13 - 24,313 ( -2.7%)
Mar 06 #14 - 24,536 ( +0.9%)
Apr 06 #15 - 24,046 ( -2.0%)
May 06 #16 - 23,842 ( -0.8%)
Jun 06 #17 - 23,654 ( -0.8%)
Jul 06 #18 - 24,678 ( +4.3%)
6 mnth ( -1.2%)
1 year ( -9.8%)
2 year ( — )
3 year (+21.9%)

A slight uptick for the last issue in the storyline, promising (and delivering) the death of a main character. With the demise of THING and MARVEL TEAM-UP, this is now the lowest-selling ongoing Marvel Universe title - unless you count NEXTWAVE, which didn’t ship this month but would probably have been further down.

May 06 #1 (of 5) - 32,232
May 06 #2 (of 5) - 29,165 (-9.6%)
Jun 06 #3 (of 5) - 26,447 (-9.3%)
Jun 06 #4 (of 5) - 25,529 (-3.5%)
Jul 06 #5 (of 5) - 23,486 (-8.0%)

Good numbers for the MC2 miniseries, which has curiously managed to outsell parent title SPIDER-GIRL throughout its run.

Jul 01 #14 - 26,712
Jul 02 #23 - 26,875
Jul 03 —
Jul 04 #1 - 40,387
Jul 05 —
Aug 05 #12 - 30,290 ( +9.3%)
Sep 05 —
Oct 05 #13 - 26,535 (-12.4%)
Nov 05 #14 - 26,109 ( -1.6%)
Dec 05 #15 - 25,633 ( -1.8%)
Jan 06 —
Feb 06 #16 - 24,924 ( -2.8%)
Mar 06 #17 - 24,139 ( -3.1%)
Apr 06 —
May 06 #18 - 23,617 ( -2.2%)
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #19 - 23,156 ( -1.9%)
6 mnth ( -7.1%)
1 year (-23.6%)
2 year (-42.7%)

Slipping, but very slowly.

Jul 01 #36 - 24,215
Jul 02 #49 - 24,849
Jul 03 #62 - 23,104
Jul 04 #76 - 22,157
Jul 05 #88 - 18,983 ( -3.2%)
Aug 05 #89 - 18,538 ( -2.3%)
Sep 05 #90 - 18,344 ( -1.0%)
Oct 05 #91 - 18,159 ( -1.0%)
Nov 05 #92 - 17,597 ( -3.1%)
Dec 05 #93 - 17,057 ( -3.1%)
Jan 06 #94 - 17,148 ( +0.5%)
Feb 06 #95 - 16,778 ( -2.2%)
Mar 06 #96 - 16,739 ( -0.2%)
Apr 06 #97 - 17,508 ( +4.6%)
May 06 #98 - 17,738 ( +1.3%)
Jun 06 #99 - 17,915 ( +1.0%)
Jul 06 #100 - 22,691 (+26.7%)
6 mnth (+32.3%)
1 year (+19.5%)
2 year ( +2.4%)
3 year ( -1.8%)

Cancelled, but it gets an anniversary boost with its final issue. The book is relaunched in October as AMAZING SPIDER-GIRL, following yet another last-minute reprieve.

103. STORM
Feb 06 #1 (of 6) - 32,831
Mar 06 #2 (of 6) - 25,905 (-21.1%)
Apr 06 #3 (of 6) - 24,214 ( -6.5%)
May 06 #4 (of 6) - 22,513 ( -7.0%)
Jun 06 #5 (of 6) - 21,840 ( -3.0%)
Jul 06 #6 (of 6) - 21,510 ( -1.5%)

Depends how you look at it, really. This is part of the set-up for the alleged “Wedding of the Century” between Storm and the Black Panther, and the sales aren’t that great for a big event comic. On the other hand, it’s a romance comic set in the past, and judged by those standards, the numbers are quite respectable.

107. THING
Nov 05 #1 - 30,188
Dec 05 #2 - 23,606 (-21.8%)
Jan 06 #3 - 21,839 ( -7.5%)
Feb 06 #4 - 21,190 ( -3.0%)
Mar 06 #5 - 20,348 ( -4.0%)
Apr 06 #6 - 20,577 ( +1.1%)
May 06 #7 - 19,592 ( -4.8%)
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #8 - 20,363 ( +3.9%)
6 mnth ( -6.8%)


Jul 04 Avengers
- 28,791

Jul 05 Avengers - 23,668 ( +7.7%)
Aug 05 Ultimate - 25,436 ( +7.5%)
Sep 05 Alt Universes - 18,680 (-26.6%)
Oct 05 Horror - 15,849 (-15.2%)
Nov 05 X-Men - 22,986 (+45.0%)
Dec 05 Ultimates - 20,795 ( -9.5%)
Jan 06 #1 (of 12) - 23,423 (+12.6%)
Feb 06 #2 (of 12) - 21,828 ( -6.8%)
Mar 06 #3 (of 12) - 21,681 ( -0.7%)
Apr 06 #4 (of 12) - 21,531 ( -0.7%)
May 06 #5 (of 12) - 21,331 ( -0.9%)
Jun 06 #6 (of 12) - 20,731 ( -2.8%)
Jul 06 #7 (of 12) - 20,124 ( -2.9%)
6 mnth (-14.1%)
1 year (-15.0%)
2 year (-30.1%)

A very slow decline seems to be setting in, but overall the A TO Z miniseries has proved surprisingly stable.

Jul 06 Gladiator Guidebook - 20,022

Tie-in to the current HULK storyline. A good number, when you consider that it’s about 40% of the parent title’s sales.

May 06 #1 (of 4) - 22,922
Jun 06 #2 (of 4) - 18,817 (-17.9%)
Jul 06 #3 (of 4) - 18,103 ( -3.8%)

Levelling out quite nicely.

Jun 05 #9 - 23,530 ( -3.0%)
Jul 05 #10 - 22,549 ( -4.2%)
Aug 05 #11 - 22,150 ( -1.8%)
Sep 05 #12 - 21,240 ( -4.1%)
Oct 05 #13 - 21,048 ( -0.9%)
Nov 05 #14 - 26,200 (+24.5%)
Dec 05 #15 - 20,000 (-23.7%)
Jan 06 #16 - 19,955 ( -0.2%)
Feb 06 #17 - 19,422 ( -2.7%)
Mar 06 #18 - 18,944 ( -2.5%)
Apr 06 #19 - 19,891 ( +5.0%)
May 06 #20 - 18,843 ( -5.3%)
Jun 06 #21 - 18,397 ( -2.4%)
Jul 06 #22 - 17,944 ( -
6 mnth (-10.1%)
1 year (-23.7%)

Axed with issue #25.

Mar 06 #1 (of 6) - 26,435
Apr 06 #2 (of 6) - 21,444 (-18.9%)
May 06 #3 (of 6) - 19,314 ( -9.9%)
Jun 06 #4 (of 6) - 17,761 ( -8.0%)
Jul 06 #5 (of 6) - 16,921 ( -4.7%)

Feb 06 #1 (of 6) - 27,423
Mar 06 #2 (of 6) - 21,612 (-21.2%)
Apr 06 #3 (of 6) - 19,177 (-11.3%)
May 06 #4 (of 6) - 18,379 ( -4.2%)
Jun 06 #5 (of 6) - 16,981 ( -7.6%)
Jul 06 #6 (of 6) - 16,581 ( -2.4%)

Two underperforming miniseries that should have done better given the creators involved.

123. ARES
Jan 06 #1 (of 5) - 20,541
Feb 06 #2 (of 5) - 16,884 (-17.8%)
Mar 06 #3 (of 5) - 15,895 (-14.4%)
Apr 06 —
May 06 #4 (of 5) - 16,255 ( +2.3%)
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #5 (of 5) - 15,786 ( -2.9%)
6 mnth (-23.1%)

Belatedly tying up the miniseries, which doesn’t seem to have gained particularly from the promise that Ares would join a major Marvel Universe team.

May 06 #1 (of 3) - 14,517
Jun 06 #2 (of 3) - 12,497 (-13.9%)
Jul 06 #3 (of 3) - 11,561 ( -7.5%)

A book like this probably has half an eye on the bookstores, so the sales aren’t a major concern. It’s also a $3.99 book.

Jan 06 #1 (of 6) - 17,522
Feb 06 —
Mar 06 #2 (of 6) - 13,256 (-24.3%)
Mar 06 #3 (of 6) - 12,104 ( -8.7%)
Apr 06 #4 (of 6) - 11,604 ( -4.1%)
May 06 #5 (of 6) - 11,164 ( -3.8%)
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #6 (of 6) - 11,164 ( n/c )
6 mnth (-36.3%)

Not a promising start for the HEROES FOR HIRE ongoing title, which spins off from this book.

May 06 #1 - 13,891
Jun 06 #2 - 9,359 (-32.7%)
Jul 06 #3 - 9,006 ( -3.8%)

Levelling out, at least. As always, the direct market sales of MARVEL ADVENTURES books don’t matter because they’re aimed at another audience.

Jun 06 Two-Gun Kid - 11,257
Jun 06 Outlaw Files - 7,285
Jul 06 Kid Colt/Arizona Girl - 8,597
Jul 06 Western Legends - 8,268

Complete lack of interest. And now, the obligatory string of all-ages titles that do most of their business outside the direct market.


Jul 06 Super Summer Spectacular - 8,324

Jul 04 #2 - 21,619
Dec 05 #1 - 11,171
Jan 06 #2 - 8,590 (-23.1%)
Feb 06 #3 - 7,648 (-11.0%)
Mar 06 #4 - 7,672 ( +0.3%)
Apr 06 #5 - 7,165 ( -6.6%)
May 06 #6 - 7,069 ( -1.3%)
Jun 06 #7 - 6,834 ( -3.3%)
Jul 06 #8 - 6,769 ( -1.0%)
6 mnth (-21.2%)
1 year ( — )
2 year (-68.7%)

Jul 05 #5 - 8,075 ( -9.0%)
Aug 05 #6 - 7,636 ( -5.4%)
Sep 05 #7 - 7,199 ( -5.7%)
Oct 05 #8 - 7,088 ( -1.5%)
Nov 05 #9 - 6,637 ( -6.4%)
Dec 05 #10 - 6,391 ( -3.7%)
Jan 06 #11 - 6,107 ( -4.4%)
Feb 06 #12 - 6,087 ( -0.3%)
Mar 06 #13 - 5,899 ( -3.1%)
Apr 06 #14 - 5,970 ( +1.2%)
May 06 #15 - 6,165 ( +3.3%)
Jun 06 #16 - 6,114 ( -0.8%)
Jul 06 #17 - 6,133 ( +0.3%)
6 mnth ( +0.4%)
1 year (-24.0%)

Apr 06 #1 (of 4) - 7,857
May 06 #2 (of 4) - 6,613 (-15.8%)
Jun 06 #3 (of 4) - 6,137 ( -7.2%)
Jul 06 #4 (of 4) - 5,849 ( -4.7%)

For what it’s worth, at least they’re mostly stable.

Jul 05 —
Aug 05 #5 - 6,460
Sep 05 —
Oct 05 —
Nov 05 —
Dec 05 —
Jan 06 —
Feb 06 —
Mar 06 —
Apr 06 —
May 06 —
Jun 06 —
Jul 06 #6 - 5,815 (-10.0%)

An Icon book, and again the sales don’t particularly matter. This is an art book rather than part of David Mack’s ongoing series.

At number 209 is a reprint of FANTASTIC FOUR #52, under the banner of “Marvel’s Greatest Comics.” It sells 5,531.

Jul 05 #2 - 6,864 (-28.6%)
Aug 05 #3 - 6,447 ( -6.1%)
Sep 05 #4 - 6,064 ( -5.9%)
Oct 05 #5 - 5,969 ( -1.6%)
Nov 05 #6 - 5,522 ( -7.5%)
Dec 05 #7 - 5,058 ( -8.4%)
Jan 06 #8 - 4,834 ( -4.4%)
Feb 06 #9 - 4,711 ( -2.5%)
Mar 06 #10 - 4,663 ( -1.0%)
Apr 06 #11 - 4,526 ( -2.9%)
May 06 #12 - 4,836 ( +6.8%)
Jun 06 #13 - 4,752 ( -1.7%)
Jul 06 #14 - 4,668 ( -1.8%)
6 mnth ( -3.4%)
1 year (-32.0%)

See above.

Dec 05 Cassaday/McKeever - 9,763
Jan 06 Ellis/Cheung - 6,843 ( -29.9%)
Feb 06 Whedon/Lark - 5,947 ( -13.1%)
Mar 06 Finch/Sacasa - 4,146 ( -30.3%)
Apr 06 Way/Coipel - 3,309 ( -20.2%)
May 06 —
Jun 06 Millar/McNiven - 7,668 (+131.7%)
Jun 06 Gaiman/Larroca - 5,449 ( -28.9%)
Jul 06 Kirkman/Land - 3,963 ( -27.3%)
6 mnth ( -42.1%)

Back to the lowly normal sales levels. I’m told that this book actually does quite well outside the direct market, which is why it’s still around despite the seemingly awful numbers.

Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Even with the parent title running late, CIVIL WAR dominated Marvel’s output again in August, with a raft of crossover titles including the newly launched HEROES FOR HIRE. The Ultimate titles ship their second annuals, and the core ANNIHILATION miniseries gets underway. Other than that, it’s a fairly quiet month, as Marvel hold off on the big launches while the massive crossover is still getting all the attention.

As usual, even though DC did take the top spot, Marvel are still the largest publisher in the North American direct market. In unit share, it’s 41.0% to 39.0%; in dollar share, it’s a slightly closer 36.3% to 35.4%. Pretty close, then. But perhaps the most remarkable feature of this month’s chart is the sheer number of high-selling comics. Thirteen comics broke the 100K mark, which is a remarkable figure.

Granted, five of those thirteen comics are issues of DC’s weekly title 52, but a comic is a comic. If ULTIMATES had shipped this month, it wouldn’t have made the top ten. It would have been somewhere in the mid-teens.

Thanks as always to Milton Griepp and ICV2 for permission to use their figures for these calculations.

08/01 #45 - 61,572
08/02 #57 - 55,931
08/03 #69 - 57,850
08/04 —
08/05 #8 - 156,037 ( -1.7%)
08/05 #9 - 147,501 ( -5.5%)
09/05 #10 - 143,014 ( -3.0%)
09/05 #11 - 134,125 ( -6.2%)
10/05 #12 - 130,110 ( -3.0%)
11/05 #13 - 126,148 ( -3.0%)
12/05 #14 - 126,583 ( +0.3%)
01/06 #15 - 124,143 ( -1.9%)
02/06 #16 - 124,256 ( +0.1%)
03/06 #17 - 122,847 ( -1.1%)
04/06 #18 - 121,550 ( -1.1%)
05/06 #19 - 125,223 ( +3.0%)
06/06 #20 - 125,600 ( +0.3%)
06/06 #21 - 142,625 ( +13.6%)
07/06 #22 - 143,391 ( +0.5%)
08/06 #23 - 154,262 ( +7.6%)
6 mnth ( +24.1%)
1 year ( -1.1%)
2 year ( — )
3 year (+166.7%)

With CIVIL WAR itself running late, NEW AVENGERS picks up the slack as Marvel’s top selling book of the month. This is, of course, a Civil War crossover storyline, and the title continues to gain sales as the arc continues. Meanwhile, last month’s issue #22 picks up 18,774 reorders to chart at number 112. As usual, those sales are included in the figures above.

These are huge numbers, and although the crossover obviously helps, it’s hardly gratuitous - the storyline really is central to events in this title. Plenty for Marvel to be happy about here, although delays to CIVIL WAR itself mean that this title is set for an unwanted hiatus at the end of the year.

Civil War scheint endlich einzuschlagen wurde aber auch Zeit

04/06 #1 - 182,672
05/06 #2 - 131,522 (-28.0%)
06/06 #3 - 116,058 (-11.8%)
07/06 #4 - 110,830 ( -4.5%)
08/06 #5 - 120,448 ( +8.7%)

This is the concluding chapter of the first storyline, so the most likely explanation for the sales boost is Ed McGuinness’s variant cover. Reaction to this title has been somewhat mixed, but there’s no denying the sales are impressive. Even without being part of Civil War, it’s selling in quantities comparable to ASTONISHING X-MEN, and it’s easily outperforming the parent title - which IS a crossover book, and has variants of its own.

gehört sicherlich zu den !uberaschungen des Jahres

08/04 #4 - 145,543
08/05 #12 - 134,693 ( +5.4%)
09/05 —
10/05 —
11/05 —
12/05 —
01/06 —
02/06 #13 - 148,244 (+10.1%)
03/06 —
04/06 #14 - 124,129 (-16.3%)
05/06 —
06/06 #15 - 119,991 ( -3.3%)
07/06 —
08/06 #16 - 120,371 ( +0.3%)
6 mnth (-18.8%)
1 year (-10.6%)
2 year (-17.3%)

Holding level. Thankfully, the book returns to a monthly schedule with this issue - a combination of pacing for the trade and a bimonthly schedule means that by the time the current fight concludes, it will have lasted for five months. Nonetheless, sales remain solid.

06/06 #1 (of 11) - 145,271
06/06 #2 (of 11) - 118,392 (-18.5%)
07/06 #3 (of 11) - 114,454 ( -3.3%)
07/06 #4 (of 11) - 111,868 ( -2.3%)
08/06 #5 (of 11) - 111,435 ( -0.4%)

The Civil War B-title is still shifting huge numbers in its own right, and piling on the re-orders. Issue #4 shifts another 8,715 copies, issue #3 sells a further 3,033, and a variant cover helps issue #1 to add another 18,342 to its total. Quite simply, the crossover is a sales juggernaut.

08/01 #167 - 70,238
08/02 #180 - 67,892
08/03 #4 - 68,472
08/04 #18 - 65,304
08/05 #31 - 75,618 ( -1.3%)
09/05 #32 - 89,026 (+17.7%)
09/05 #33 - 78,508 (-11.8%)
10/05 #34 - 75,664 ( -3.6%)
10/05 #35 - 73,684 ( -2.6%)
11/05 #36 - 94,355 (+28.1%)
12/05 #37 - 73,866 (-21.7%)
01/06 #38 - 73,815 ( -0.0%)
02/06 #39 - 75,285 ( +2.0%)
03/06 #40 - 77,627 ( +3.1%)
04/06 #41 - 70,965 ( -8.6%)
05/06 #42 - 112,209 (+58.1%)
06/06 #43 - 116,540 ( +3.9%)
07/06 #44 - 111,478 ( -4.3%)
08/06 #45 - 108,680 ( -2.5%)
6 mnth (+44.4%)
1 year (+43.8%)
2 year (+66.4%)
3 year (+59.0%)

Another Civil War crossover book, easily outperforming its usual range. And once again, the reorders continue to mount up. There’s another 6,258 copies of issue #44, while a variant adds 14,781 copies of issue #43. This month’s issue holds up nicely, and can presumably look forward to more re-orders topping up the numbers over the next month or so.

07/06 #1 (of 4) - 113,553
08/06 #2 (of 4) - 99,073 (-12.8%)

Civil War again, and despite being rather peripheral to the story - it’s really more of a sequel to X-MEN: THE 198 - this X-Men miniseries turns in another big number, still outperforming the regular monthly X-Men titles with its second issue. (Well, aside from ASTONISHING, but that’s not really a regular monthly.) Issue #1 picks up reorders of 7,391.

08/01 #46 - 50,773
08/02 #60 - 705,109
08/03 #502 - 54,084
08/04 #517 - 50,247
08/05 #530 - 51,782 ( -2.2%)
09/05 #531 - 49,745 ( -3.9%)
10/05 —
11/05 #532 - 47,771 ( -4.0%)
12/05 #533 - 46,751 ( -2.1%)
01/05 —
02/06 #534 - 44,573 ( -4.7%)
02/06 #535 - 43,124 ( -3.3%)
03/06 #536 - 79,680 ( +84.8%)
04/06 #537 - 79,576 ( -0.1%)
05/06 —
06/06 #538 - 92,624 ( +16.4%)
07/06 —
08/06 #539 - 89,676 ( -3.2%)
6 mnth (+107.9%)
1 year ( +73.2%)
2 year ( +78.5%)
3 year ( +65.8%)

Yet another Civil War crossover, and FANTASTIC FOUR is still hanging in there. Issue #538 picks up 2,428 in reorders, even though it’s been two months since it came out.

Incidentally, you’ll note that there are an awful lot of blanks in the schedule. In fact, FANTASTIC FOUR has failed to come out in four of the last twelve months. One was a late book which shipped the next month; one was a skip month where Marvel published a one-shot in its place. The other two months just seem to be blanks. Somewhere along the line, this book has dropped down to a de facto 10-times-a-year publishing schedule.

The August 2002 issue was a virtual giveaway priced at 9 cents, hence the ludicrous number. Freebies like that have since been disqualified from the charts. In any event, publishers have become less keen on them, perhaps realising that giving away almost a quarter of a million free comics is a very inefficient way of boosting sales by a few thousand.
da ich FF waren mir diese Verspätungen nicht bewusst, nicht gerade wenige für eine Hauptserie.

08/01 #397 - 116,247
08/02 #410 - 87,008
08/03 #429 - 93,866
08/04 #447 - 95,838
08/05 #463 - 87,610 ( -3.9%)
09/05 #464 - 85,885 ( -2.0%)
10/05 #465 - 84,271 ( -1.9%)
11/05 #466 - 82,825 ( -1.7%)
12/05 #467 - 81,282 ( -1.9%)
01/06 #468 - 79,808 ( -1.8%)
02/06 #469 - 79,039 ( -1.0%)
03/06 #470 - 79,389 ( +0.4%)
03/06 #471 - 78,286 ( -1.4%)
04/06 #472 - 79,157 ( +1.1%)
05/06 #473 - 79,335 ( +0.2%)
06/06 #474 - 78,140 ( -1.5%)
07/06 #475 - 106,037 (+35.7%)
07/06 #476 - 92,154 (-13.1%)
08/06 #477 - 89,225 ( -3.2%)
6 mnth (+12.9%)
1 year ( +1.8%)
2 year ( -6.9%)
3 year ( -4.9%)

Dropping back towards the title’s usual range after the initial surge of interest from Ed Brubaker and Billy Tan’s arrival. Basically, the book is back where it was this time last year. But Brubaker’s first two issues are picking up reorders - 2,044 copies of issue #475 and 3,379 of issue #476 - so there’s certainly some interest here. A solid enough number, but the X-books still seem to be overshadowed.

08/06 #2 - 84,407

Not much change from last year, when the first annual sold 82,690. ULTIMATES normally sells somewhere around 95K, so it’s carrying a high proportion of the readership over to the annual.

21. X-MEN
08/01 #117 - 120,414
08/02 #130 - 98,796
08/03 #144 - 99,737
08/04 #160 - 91,790
08/05 #174 - 76,342 ( -1.1%)
09/05 #175 - 76,555 ( +0.3%)
10/05 #176 - 74,635 ( -2.5%)
11/05 #177 - 78,405 ( +5.1%)
11/05 #178 - 76,195 ( -2.8%)
12/05 #179 - 77,189 ( +1.3%)
12/05 #180 - 75,559 ( -2.1%)
01/06 #181 - 74,094 ( -1.9%)
02/06 #182 - 78,653 ( +6.2%)
02/06 #183 - 79,477 ( +1.0%)
03/06 #184 - 79,480 ( +0.0%)
04/06 #185 - 78,815 ( -0.8%)
05/06 #186 - 79,536 ( +0.9%)
06/06 #187 - 77,918 ( -2.0%)
07/06 #188 - 95,487 (+22.5%)
07/06 #189 - 85,157 (-10.8%)
08/06 #190 - 82,084 ( -3.6%)
6 mnth ( +3.4%)
1 year ( +7.5%)
2 year (-10.6%)
3 year (-17.7%)

Yes, X-MEN failed to make the top twenty. I told you it was a busy month. As with UNCANNY, this title is drafting back towards its normal range after the initial surge of interest. Issue #189 picks up 2,889 in reorders.

08/04 #10 - 90,670
08/05 #22 - 71,767 (-21.4%)
09/05 #23 - 71,494 ( -0.4%)
10/05 #24 - 70,549 ( -1.3%)
11/05 #25 - 70,032 ( -0.7%)
12/05 #26 - 69,689 ( -0.5%)
01/06 —
02/06 #27 - 67,922 ( -2.5%)
03/06 #28 - 67,480 ( -0.7%)
04/06 #29 - 67,554 ( +0.1%)
05/06 #30 - 103,837 (+53.7%)
06/06 —
07/06 #31 - 84,460 (-18.7%)
08/06 #32 - 80,730 ( -4.4%)
08/06 #33 - 65,191 (-19.2%)
6 mnth ( -4.0%)
1 year ( -9.2%)
2 year (-28.1%)

Two issues this month, as the book finally gets back on schedule after failing to ship in June. Issue #32 is the final Mark Millar issue, and comes complete with a Marvel Zombies storyline and a variant cover. Issue #33 sees the debut of new creative team Mike Carey and Pasqual Ferry, and sales drop back to the normal range. Not a spectacular start, but then the creators aren’t as prominent, and the book is still doing just fine. It’ll be interesting to see where it goes from here.

07/06 #1 (of 4) - 91,297
08/06 #2 (of 4) - 78,600 (-13.9%)

Back to Civil War, and a perfectly healthy second issue drop. Issue #1 picks up another 5,951 sales.
würde mich nciht wundern würde es noch tiefer fallen

08/01 #12 - 78,407
08/02 #25 - 96,382
08/03 #44 - 102,429
08/04 #63 - 96,279
08/05 #81 - 75,572 ( -1.7%)
09/05 #82 - 75,756 ( +0.2%)
09/05 #83 - 75,539 ( -0.3%)
10/05 #84 - 74,670 ( -1.2%)
11/05 #85 - 74,264 ( -0.5%)
11/05 #86 - 76,864 ( +3.5%)
12/05 #87 - 74,537 ( -3.0%)
12/05 #88 - 74,213 ( -0.4%)
01/06 #89 - 71,935 ( -3.1%)
02/06 #90 - 71,470 ( -0.6%)
03/06 #91 - 74,028 ( +3.6%)
03/06 #92 - 72,269 ( -2.4%)
04/06 #93 - 72,831 ( +0.8%)
05/06 #94 - 74,051 ( +1.7%)
05/06 #95 - 73,564 ( -0.7%)
06/06 #96 - 73,472 ( -0.1%)
07/06 #97 - 76,612 ( +4.3%)
08/06 #98 - 77,304 ( +0.9%)
08/06 #99 - 76,075 ( -1.6%)
6 mnth ( +6.4%)
1 year ( +0.7%)
2 year (-21.0%)
3 year (-25.7%)

Holding on to last month’s gains. Either there’s a surprising amount of interest in the Ultimate Clone Saga or people are jumping aboard as the book builds to issue #100. I suspect it’s more likely to be the former.

08/06 #1 - 74,367

Another Civil War tie-in, and the only ongoing title launching this month. This is a sequel to the recent DAUGHTERS OF THE DRAGON miniseries, which launched with 17,522 sales and quickly dropped to the 11-12K range. HEROES FOR HIRE is obviously in a different league where sales are concerned. The crossover naturally deserves a lot of the credit for that, although artist Billy Tucci should be drawing in some fans as well.

If Marvel can actually launch this series successfully then it’ll be a great example of how to use a crossover effectively. I’ll be fascinated to see what happens when this book moves on from the crossover and has to stand on its own feet. HEROES FOR HIRE isn’t really a Civil War spin-off book - it’s a freestanding concept that just happens to be launching in the middle of a crossover.

wohl die !uberaschung des Monats

06/06 #1 (of 6) - 110,269
07/06 #2 (of 6) - 77,341 (-29.9%)
08/06 #3 (of 6) - 72,188 ( -6.7%)

Levelling out at a respectable but unspectacular level. Issue #1 picks up another 2,112 sales, and issue #2 sells another 3,148.

wohl die Enttäuschung des Jahres

08/06 #2 - 71,535

Not much change from last year, when the first annual sold 70,811.

08/01 #9 - 100,109
08/02 #21 - 93,216
08/03 #36 - 110,492
08/04 #50 - 103,154
08/05 #62 - 76,229 (-12.5%)
09/05 #63 - 74,760 ( -1.9%)
10/05 #64 - 75,118 ( +0.5%)
11/05 #65 - 74,264 ( -1.1%)
12/05 —
01/06 #66 - 73,720 ( -0.7%)
02/06 #67 - 72,700 ( -1.4%)
03/06 #68 - 72,765 ( +0.1%)
04/06 #69 - 73,188 ( +0.6%)
05/06 #70 - 72,235 ( -1.3%)
06/06 #71 - 71,314 ( -1.3%)
07/06 #72 - 70,593 ( -1.0%)
08/06 #73 - 70,153 ( -0.6%)
6 mnth ( -3.5%)
1 year ( -8.0%)
2 year (-32.0%)
3 year (-36.5%)

Still on a gentle downward slide.

03/06 #1 - 73,407
04/06 #2 - 46,204 (-37.1%)
05/06 #3 - 43,048 ( -6.8%)
06/06 #4 - 40,627 ( -5.6%)
07/06 #5 - 38,874 ( -4.3%)
08/06 #6 - 68,330 (+75.8%)

Another Civil War tie-in, and another huge gain. Only the debut issue has performed better.

04/06 #1 - 114,533
05/06 #2 - 77,552 (-32.3%)
06/06 #3 - 72,206 ( -6.9%)
07/06 —
08/06 #4 - 67,802 ( -6.1%)

Running a month late - issue #5 was solicited for August but didn’t come out. These are good sales figures for a Moon Knight title, but the 6% drop is worrying - by issue #4 I’d have expected things to level out a bit more than that.
fällt weiterhin, bezweifle wenn Finch mit der 8 weg ist, dass die serie es weiter als die 12 bringt

08/06 #2 - 65,028

Slightly down on last year, when the first annual sold 67,910.

09/05 #1 (of 6) - 119,575
10/05 #2 (of 6) - 71,473 (-40.2%)
11/05 #3 (of 6) - 62,914 (-12.0%)
12/05 #4 (of 6) - 59,678 ( -5.1%)
01/06 #5 (of 6) - 56,958 ( -4.6%)
02/06 #6 (of 6) - 55,802 ( -2.0%)
03/06 —
04/06 —
05/06 —
06/06 —
07/06 #1 - 98,826 (+77.1%)
08/06 #2 - 61,793 (-37.5%)
6 mnth (+10.7%)

At first glance, this is an awfully heavy second issue drop. But issue #1 had a variant cover to boost its sales further, so it’s probably not as bad as it looks.
so gut wie Ausgabe 3 der Mini, kein gutes Vorzeichen

08/01 #55 - 33,747
08/02 #70 - 28,092
08/05 #11 - 37,036 ( +42.6%)
09/05 #12 - 25,912 ( -30.0%)
10/05 #13 - 29,250 ( +12.9%)
10/05 #14 - 27,864 ( -4.7%)
11/05 #15 - 25,245 ( -9.4%)
12/05 #16 - 25,084 ( -0.6%)
01/06 #17 - 23,417 ( -6.7%)
02/06 #18 - 23,735 ( +1.4%)
03/06 #100 - 26,798 ( +12.9%)
04/06 #101 - 24,170 ( -9.8%)
05/06 #102 - 23,741 ( -1.8%)
06/06 #103 - 60,823 (+156.2%)
07/06 #104 - 54,092 ( -11.1%)
08/06 #105 - 61,467 ( +13.6%)
6 mnth (+159.0%)
1 year ( +66.0%)

Civil War again, and THUNDERBOLTS grabs back some more sales for the concluding part of its three-part crossover arc. This is one of several mid-to-low end books that have seen huge sales boosts on the back of the crossover.

08/06 #1 (of 6) - 61,006

A big jump with the first part of the ANNIHILATION miniseries proper. Marvel have been building to this for four months with four separate miniseries - the best selling one was ANNIHILATION: SILVER SURFER, which only debuted at 49K and dropped to 39K by the end of its run. So for ANNIHILATION to debut at 61K is impressive - retailers seem to have bought into the idea that this is the main event, and everything up to now was just warm-up.

08/06 #2 - 60,449

Last year’s annual sold 65,384 copies, but then it had Mark Millar, and this one doesn’t. A perfectly good number.

08/04 #6 - 31,033
08/05 #18 - 25,304 ( -26.4%)
09/05 #19 - 25,298 ( -0.0%)
09/05 #20 - 24,982 ( -1.2%)
10/05 #21 - 25,030 ( +0.2%)
11/05 #22 - 23,746 ( -5.1%)
12/05 #23 - 23,296 ( -1.9%)
01/06 #24 - 23,542 ( +1.1%)
02/06 #25 - 22,918 ( -2.7%)
03/06 #26 - 25,584 ( +11.6%)
04/06 #27 - 26,153 ( +2.2%)
05/06 #28 - 25,665 ( -1.9%)
06/06 #29 - 25,368 ( -1.2%)
07/06 #30 - 59,333 (+133.9%)
08/06 #31 - 55,583 ( -6.3%)
6 mnth (+142.5%)
1 year (+119.7%)
2 year ( +79.1%)

Another Civil War crossover book seeing enormous gains. Issue #30 picks up re-orders of 2,515.

08/04 #5 - 75,562
08/05 #17 - 48,555 ( -4.6%)
09/05 #18 - 47,654 ( -1.9%)
10/05 #19 - 75,461 (+58.4%)
11/05 #20 - 73,262 ( -2.9%)
12/05 #21 - 76,763 ( +4.8%)
01/06 #22 - 74,923 ( -2.4%)
02/06 #23 - 59,051 (-21.2%)
03/06 #24 - 53,910 ( -8.7%)
04/06 #25 - 51,992 ( -3.6%)
05/06 #26 - 52,496 ( +1.0%)
06/06 #27 - 50,721 ( -3.4%)
07/06 #28 - 58,532 (+15.4%)
08/06 #29 - 55,420 ( -5.3%)
6 mnth ( -6.1%)
1 year (+14.1%)
2 year (-26.7%)

10/05 #1 - 100,430
11/05 #2 - 82,988 (-17.4%)
12/05 #3 - 81,309 ( -2.0%)
01/06 #4 - 78,672 ( -3.2%)
02/06 —
03/06 #5 - 59,900 (-23.9%)
03/06 #6 - 58,853 ( -1.7%)
04/06 #7 - 55,381 ( -5.9%)
05/06 #8 - 53,910 ( -2.7%)
06/06 #9 - 50,177 ( -6.9%)
07/06 #10 - 48,902 ( -2.5%)
08/06 #11 - 50,995 ( +4.3%)
6 mnth (-14.9%)

Not officially Civil War tie-ins, but SENSATIONAL and FRIENDLY both see modest gains from the unmasking of their lead characters. To be honest, with all the attention, I’m surprised they haven’t gained more.

08/01 #22 - 52,810
08/02 #36 - 50,210
08/03 #50 - 65,398
08/04 #63 - 52,090
08/05 #76 - 46,424 ( -2.9%)
09/05 #77 - 45,945 ( -1.0%)
10/05 #78 - 45,071 ( -1.9%)
11/05 #79 - 44,250 ( -1.8%)
12/05 #80 - 43,309 ( -2.1%)
01/06 #81 - 44,252 ( +2.2%)
02/06 #82 - 53,058 (+19.9%)
03/06 #83 - 46,804 (-11.8%)
04/06 #84 - 47,123 ( +0.7%)
05/06 #85 - 47,899 ( +1.6%)
06/06 #86 - 48,280 ( +0.8%)
07/06 #87 - 51,989 ( +7.7%)
08/06 #88 - 50,554 ( -2.8%)
6 mnth ( -4.7%)
1 year ( +8.9%)
2 year ( -2.9%)
3 year (-22.7%)

Issue #87 picks up 2,553 in reorders, which is the only reason this issue is shown as dropping. In fact, in terms of first month sales, it’s a climber. Ed Brubaker’s slow and steady progress on this title continues, building a regular audience without stunts.

08/01 #31 - 33,683
08/02 #44 - 49,184
08/03 #59 - 59,336
08/04 #75 - 44,066
08/05 #85 - 53,177 ( -9.2%)
09/05 #86 - 52,992 ( -0.3%)
10/05 #87 - 42,454 (-19.9%)
11/05 #88 - 41,141 ( -3.1%)
11/05 #89 - 39,635 ( -3.7%)
12/05 #90 - 36,924 ( -6.8%)
01/06 #91 - 35,980 ( -2.6%)
02/06 #92 - 53,661 (+49.1%)
03/06 #93 - 47,437 (-11.6%)
04/06 #94 - 47,966 ( +1.1%)
05/06 #95 - 49,089 ( +2.3%)
06/06 —
07/06 #96 - 49,209 ( +0.2%)
08/06 #97 - 48,893 ( -0.6%)
6 mnth ( -8.9%)
1 year ( -8.1%)
2 year (+11.0%)
3 year (-17.6%)

The Planet Hulk storyline seems to have found its level.

12/05 #1 - 64,861
12/05 #2 - 52,705 (-18.7%)
01/06 —
02/06 #3 - 48,307 ( -8.3%)
03/06 #4 - 48,183 ( -0.3%)
03/06 #5 - 46,490 ( -3.5%)
04/06 #6 - 45,220 ( -2.7%)
05/06 #7 - 44,315 ( -2.0%)
06/06 #8 - 76,150 (+71.8%)
07/06 #9 - 68,799 ( -9.7%)
08/06 #10 - 44,603 (-35.2%)
6 mnth ( -7.7%)

One of the first books to emerge from its Civil War crossover storyline and go back to normal. Sales drop right back where they came from, which isn’t entirely unexpected, but suggests that a lot of books could be looking at a nasty hangover in a few months when Civil War packs up and moves on. Thanks to a variant cover, issue #8 picks up 11,000 extra sales.

niemand von den CW Leuten istd ran geblieben :(

08/04 #12 - 61,798
08/05 #18 - 50,594 ( -3.2%)
09/05 —
10/05 —
11/05 —
12/05 —
01/06 —
02/06 —
03/06 #1 - 61,625 (+21.8%)
04/06 #2 - 51,197 (-16.9%)
05/06 #3 - 49,205 ( -3.9%)
06/06 #4 - 48,035 ( -1.8%)
07/06 #5 - 46,029 ( -4.2%)
08/06 #6 - 44,564 ( -3.2%)
6 mnth ( — )
1 year (-11.9%)
2 year (-27.9%)

Still on the slide.

08/04 #4 - 51,902
08/05 #17 - 43,908 (-10.8%)
09/05 #18 - 43,286 ( -1.4%)
10/05 #19 - 41,691 ( -3.7%)
11/05 #20 - 59,466 (+42.6%)
12/05 #21 - 43,473 (-26.9%)
01/06 #22 - 42,923 ( -1.3%)
02/06 #23 - 41,463 ( -3.4%)
03/06 #24 - 42,044 ( +1.4%)
04/06 #25 - 40,176 ( -4.4%)
05/06 #26 - 40,073 ( -0.3%)
06/06 #27 - 39,785 ( -0.7%)
07/06 #28 - 39,771 ( -0.0%)
08/06 #29 - 40,303 ( +1.3%)
6 mnth ( -2.8%)
1 year ( -8.2%)
2 year (-22.3%)

Looking pretty solid at the 40,000 mark, which has to be a good sign.

08/06 #1 (of 3) - 39,967

Fairly standard orders for a generic Wolverine miniseries - which is pretty much what this is.

hatte dies viel höher erwartet

08/01 #45 - 36,754
08/02 #58 - 36,051
08/03 #71 - 30,823
08/04 #87 - 33,512
08/05 #4 - 48,403 ( -5.8%)
09/05 —
10/05 —
11/05 —
12/05 —
01/06 #5 - 45,243 ( -6.5%)
02/06 —
03/06 #6 - 40,264 (-11.0%)
04/06 #7 - 49,404 (+22.7%)
05/06 #8 - 38,860 (-21.3%)
06/06 #9 - 37,650 ( -3.1%)
07/06 #10 - 38,102 ( +1.2%)
08/06 #11 - 37,279 ( -2.2%)
6 mnth ( -7.4%)
1 year (-23.0%)
2 year (+11.2%)
3 year (+20.9%)

Hovering in the high 30K range. IRON MAN has yet to catch up with Civil War, although it’ll do so at the end of this storyline. Despite Marvel’s protestations of impartiality, the general perception seems to be that Civil War has amounted to a remarkable hatchet job on this character - although arguably that makes him more interesting, and it’s certainly also made him a central figure in the Marvel Universe in a way that he hasn’t been for years. I’m intrigued to see what happens with this title’s sales over the next year or so.

11/05 #1 - 58,333
12/05 #2 - 48,816 (-16.3%)
01/06 #3 - 47,196 ( -3.3%)
02/06 #4 - 45,071 ( -4.5%)
03/06 #5 - 43,523 ( -3.4%)
04/06 #6 - 40,687 ( -6.5%)
05/06 #7 - 38,744 ( -4.8%)
06/06 #8 - 37,428 ( -3.4%)
07/06 #9 - 36,466 ( -2.6%)
08/06 #10 - 36,108 ( -1.0%)
6 mnth (-19.9%)

Still sliding, but at least levelling out over the last few months. NEW EXCALIBUR is current in an extended run of fill-in stories caused by the illness of regular writer Chris Claremont, but readers seem to be accepting the situation.

08/01 #3 - 70,017
08/02 #15 - 44,501
08/03 #30 - 37,370
08/04 #10 - 45,396
08/05 #24 - 37,022 ( -0.9%)
09/05 #25 - 37,149 ( +0.3%)
10/05 #26 - 36,450 ( -1.9%)
11/05 #27 - 36,072 ( -1.0%)
12/05 #28 - 35,535 ( -1.5%)
01/06 #29 - 34,708 ( -2.3%)
02/06 #30 - 34,293 ( -1.2%)
03/06 #31 - 34,505 ( +0.6%)
04/06 #32 - 34,076 ( -1.2%)
05/06 #33 - 34,480 ( +1.2%)
06/06 #34 - 34,161 ( -0.9%)
07/06 #35 - 34,116 ( -0.1%)
08/06 #36 - 34,227 ( +0.3%)
6 mnth ( -0.2%)
1 year ( -7.5%)
2 year (-24.6%)
3 year ( -8.4%)

Rock solid. Since the beginning of 2006, PUNISHER sales have fluctuated by less than 700 copies.

08/01 #3 - 48,259
08/02 #16 - 39,133
08/03 #30 - 41,269
08/04 #50 - 37,958
08/05 #68 - 33,815 ( +0.2%)
09/05 #69 - 43,794 (+29.5%)
09/05 #70 - 42,434 ( -3.1%)
10/05 #71 - 41,131 ( -3.1%)
11/05 #72 - 34,329 (-16.5%)
11/05 #73 - 34,008 ( -0.9%)
12/05 #74 - 33,881 ( -0.4%)
01/06 #75 - 33,485 ( -1.2%)
01/06 #76 - 32,843 ( -1.9%)
02/06 #77 - 32,998 ( +0.5%)
03/06 #78 - 33,506 ( +1.5%)
04/06 #79 - 34,119 ( +1.8%)
05/06 #80 - 34,039 ( -0.2%)
05/06 #81 - 33,908 ( -0.4%)
06/06 #82 - 33,342 ( -1.7%)
06/06 #83 - 33,143 ( -0.6%)
07/06 #84 - 32,866 ( -0.8%)
08/06 #85 - 33,978 ( +3.4%)
6 mnth ( +3.0%)
1 year ( +0.5%)
2 year (-10.5%)
3 year (-17.7%)

Another book still hovering in its regular range. Apparently retailers were enticed by this issue’s gimmick - a new Exiles team consisting of six Wolverines.

07/06 #1 (of 6) - 35,728
08/06 #2 (of 6) - 28,727 (-19.6%)

Fairly normal drop for a second issue.

84,87. SHE-HULK
08/04 #6 - 24,751
10/05 #1 - 37,220 ( +60.4%)
11/05 #2 - 31,610 ( -15.1%)
12/05 #3 - 29,428 ( -6.9%)
01/06 #4 - 28,214 ( -4.1%)
02/06 #5 - 27,183 ( -3.7%)
03/06 #6 - 26,631 ( -2.0%)
04/06 —
05/06 #7 - 26,561 ( -0.3%)
05/06 #8 - 58,053 (+118.6%)
06/06 —
07/06 #9 - 29,902 ( -48.5%)
08/06 #10 - 28,555 ( -4.5%)
08/06 #11 - 27,393 ( -4.1%)
6 mnth ( +0.8%)
1 year ( — )
2 year ( +10.7%)

Issue #8 was a Civil War crossover, and while most of the boost evaporated immediately, SHE-HULK still hasn’t quite dropped to pre-crossover levels.

08/01 #35 - 19,465
08/02 #48 - 19,496
08/05 #7 - 42,905 ( +21.7%)
09/05 #8 - 46,239 ( +7.8%)
10/05 #9 - 40,173 ( -13.1%)
11/05 #10 - 31,987 ( -20.4%)
12/05 #11 - 29,327 ( -8.3%)
01/06 #12 - 27,933 ( -4.7%)
02/06 #13 - 26,054 ( -6.7%)
03/06 #14 - 28,809 ( +10.6%)
04/06 #15 - 28,361 ( -1.6%)
05/06 #16 - 28,091 ( -1.0%)
06/06 #17 - 27,993 ( -0.3%)
07/06 #18 - 69,912 (+149.7%)
08/06 #19 - 28,372 ( -59.4%)
6 mnth ( +8.9%)
1 year ( -33.9%)

Whether last issue’s high sales were due to Civil War or the wedding, one thing’s for sure: they didn’t stick around. BLACK PANTHER goes straight back to its normal range. With all the hype, and the introduction of a major character from a much more popular book, this really has to be seen as a failure, at least in direct market terms. Interestingly, a belated CIVIL WAR tie-in storyline has now been announced.

08/03 #5 - 19,332
08/04 #17 - 18,563
08/05 #7 - 27,063 ( -1.1%)
09/05 #8 - 26,954 ( -0.4%)
10/05 #9 - 26,800 ( -0.6%)
11/05 #10 - 25,761 ( -3.9%)
12/05 #11 - 25,260 ( -1.9%)
01/06 #12 - 24,989 ( -1.1%)
02/06 #13 - 24,313 ( -2.7%)
03/06 #14 - 24,536 ( +0.9%)
04/06 #15 - 24,046 ( -2.0%)
05/06 #16 - 23,842 ( -0.8%)
06/06 #17 - 23,654 ( -0.8%)
07/06 #18 - 24,678 ( +4.3%)
08/06 #19 - 25,042 ( +1.5%)
6 mnth ( +0.2%)
1 year ( -7.5%)
2 year (+34.9%)
3 year (+29.5%)

Edging slowly upwards. RUNAWAYS is going to be Joss Whedon’s next comic for Marvel, so it’s going to be rocketing up the charts fairly soon.

01/06 #1 - 41,041
02/06 —
03/06 #2 - 29,911 (-27.1%)
03/06 #3 - 27,126 ( -9.3%)
04/06 #4 - 26,728 ( -1.5%)
05/06 #5 - 30,818 (+15.3%)
06/06 #6 - 24,626 (-20.1%)
07/06 —
08/06 #7 - 24,245 ( -1.5%)
6 mnth (-18.9%)

August was a skip month, so the book is now back on schedule. Strictly speaking, it’s now the lowest-selling Marvel Universe title that hasn’t been cancelled yet - although in fairness, if it wasn’t for their Civil War tie-ins, CABLE & DEADPOOL and THUNDERBOLTS would be down here as well. On top of that, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that NEXTWAVE does disproportionately well in the UK. Moreover, it’s a good 7,000 clear of MARVEL TEAM-UP, which actually is at the cancellation point, so there’s a margin of safety here.

08/06 Nova Corps Files - 21,740

A respectable number for this ANNIHILATION fact file tie-in, slightly outperforming this month’s HANDBOOK.

01/06 X-Men - 30,364
02/06 —
03/06 —
04/06 —
05/06 —
06/06 —
07/06 —
08/06 Hulk - 20,214 (-33.4%)

The second MYTHOS one-shot, and they’re not exactly setting the charts alight.

08/04 Hulk - 22,011
08/05 Ultimate - 25,436 ( +7.5%)
09/05 Alt Universes - 18,680 (-26.6%)
10/05 Horror - 15,849 (-15.2%)
11/05 X-Men - 22,986 (+45.0%)
12/05 Ultimates - 20,795 ( -9.5%)
01/06 #1 (of 12) - 23,423 (+12.6%)
02/06 #2 (of 12) - 21,828 ( -6.8%)
03/06 #3 (of 12) - 21,681 ( -0.7%)
04/06 #4 (of 12) - 21,531 ( -0.7%)
05/06 #5 (of 12) - 21,331 ( -0.9%)
06/06 #6 (of 12) - 20,731 ( -2.8%)
07/06 #7 (of 12) - 20,124 ( -2.9%)
08/06 #8 (of 12) - 19,926 ( -1.0%)
6 mnth ( -8.7%)
1 year (-21.7%)
2 year ( -9.5%)

Holding up very well.

08/06 #1 (of 6) - 19,292

Well, it’s about as good a number as could reasonably be expected with these characters. Reviews have been decent, but realistically, miniseries like this tend to drop to fairly dire levels by the time they finish.

08/05 #11 - 22,150 ( -1.8%)
09/05 #12 - 21,240 ( -4.1%)
10/05 #13 - 21,048 ( -0.9%)
11/05 #14 - 26,200 (+24.5%)
12/05 #15 - 20,000 (-23.7%)
01/06 #16 - 19,955 ( -0.2%)
02/06 #17 - 19,422 ( -2.7%)
03/06 #18 - 18,944 ( -2.5%)
04/06 #19 - 19,891 ( +5.0%)
05/06 #20 - 18,843 ( -5.3%)
06/06 #21 - 18,397 ( -2.4%)
07/06 #22 - 17,944 ( -2.5%)
08/06 #23 - 17,709 ( -1.3%)
6 mnth ( -8.9%)
1 year (-20.0%)

Axed with issue #25.

05/06 #1 (of 4) - 22,922
06/06 #2 (of 4) - 18,817 (-17.9%)
07/06 #3 (of 4) - 18,103 ( -3.8%)
08/06 #4 (of 4) - 17,123 ( -5.4%)

The mystifying high concept miniseries wraps up with a fairly solid performance. The solicitations for issue #4 are wildly inaccurate, describing the story that actually appeared in issue #3 and crediting the wrong artist altogether.

08/06 Amazing Friends - 16,519

One-shot containing an original story plus some reprints, celebrating the 25th anniversary of SPIDER-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS. A perfectly good performance for something like this.

03/06 #1 (of 6) - 26,435
04/06 #2 (of 6) - 21,444 (-18.9%)
05/06 #3 (of 6) - 19,314 ( -9.9%)
06/06 #4 (of 6) - 17,761 ( -8.0%)
07/06 #5 (of 6) - 16,921 ( -4.7%)
08/06 #6 (of 6) - 16,423 ( -2.9%)

A disappointing underperformance here.

08/05 —
09/05 —
10/05 #5 - 11,420 (-20.3%)
11/05 —
12/05 —
01/06 —
02/06 #6 - 11,349 ( -0.6%)
03/06 —
04/06 —
05/06 —
06/06 —
07/06 —
08/06 #7 - 10,798 ( -4.9%)
6 mnth ( -4.9%)

An Icon book, so it doesn’t really matter what it sells as long as creator David Mack is happy. It’s also wildly late - this issue was solicited for May.

07/06 #1 - 13,514
08/06 #2 - 9,301 (-31.2%)

Yes, well. This is another Icon book, but heaven only knows what the economics are. There doesn’t seem to be a huge amount of interest in this book, and it’s probably heading for some very nasty numbers very quickly.

05/06 #1 - 13,891
06/06 #2 - 9,359 (-32.7%)
07/06 #3 - 9,006 ( -3.8%)
08/06 #4 - 8,610 ( -4.4%)

Fairly standard performance for a Marvel Adventures book. This titles aren’t really aimed at the direct market, so their performance on this chart is largely irrelevant.

08/06 Women of Marvel - 8,331

Not much interest, but again, something like this may not be aimed specifically at the direct market.

06/06 Two-Gun Kid - 11,257
06/06 Outlaw Files - 7,285
07/06 Kid Colt/Arizona Girl - 8,597
07/06 Western Legends - 8,268
08/06 Strange Westerns - 7,727

Another micro-selling western book.

08/04 #3 - 17,725
12/05 #1 - 11,171
01/06 #2 - 8,590 (-23.1%)
02/06 #3 - 7,648 (-11.0%)
03/06 #4 - 7,672 ( +0.3%)
04/06 #5 - 7,165 ( -6.6%)
05/06 #6 - 7,069 ( -1.3%)
06/06 #7 - 6,834 ( -3.3%)
07/06 #8 - 6,769 ( -1.0%)
08/06 #9 - 6,719 ( -0.7%)
6 mnth (-21.8%)
1 year ( — )
2 year (-62.1%)

Aimed at the digest audience, so the sales here don’t matter.

08/05 #6 - 7,636 ( -5.4%)
09/05 #7 - 7,199 ( -5.7%)
10/05 #8 - 7,088 ( -1.5%)
11/05 #9 - 6,637 ( -6.4%)
12/05 #10 - 6,391 ( -3.7%)
01/06 #11 - 6,107 ( -4.4%)
02/06 #12 - 6,087 ( -0.3%)
03/06 #13 - 5,899 ( -3.1%)
04/06 #14 - 5,970 ( +1.2%)
05/06 #15 - 6,165 ( +3.3%)
06/06 #16 - 6,114 ( -0.8%)
07/06 #17 - 6,133 ( +0.3%)
08/06 #18 - 6,220 ( +1.4%)
6 mnth ( +2.2%)
1 year (-18.5%)

Surprisingly, this book is turning around and beginning to edge its way back up the charts.

08/05 #3 - 6,447 ( -6.1%)
09/05 #4 - 6,064 ( -5.9%)
10/05 #5 - 5,969 ( -1.6%)
11/05 #6 - 5,522 ( -7.5%)
12/05 #7 - 5,058 ( -8.4%)
01/06 #8 - 4,834 ( -4.4%)
02/06 #9 - 4,711 ( -2.5%)
03/06 #10 - 4,663 ( -1.0%)
04/06 #11 - 4,526 ( -2.9%)
05/06 #12 - 4,836 ( +6.8%)
06/06 #13 - 4,752 ( -1.7%)
07/06 #14 - 4,668 ( -1.8%)
08/06 #15 - 4,569 ( -2.1%)
6 mnth ( -3.0%)
1 year (-29.1%)

This, on the other hand, is just your typical Marvel Adventures book.

Number 236 is a Marvel Milestones book, reprinting a Claremont/Lee X-Men story from 1991. It sells 3,599. Number 259 is also a Marvel Milestones book, reprinting stories from Millie the Model and Patsy Walker. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t do as well, and clocks in at 2,640.

12/05 Cassaday/McKeever - 9,763
01/06 Ellis/Cheung - 6,843 ( -29.9%)
02/06 Whedon/Lark - 5,947 ( -13.1%)
03/06 Finch/Sacasa - 4,146 ( -30.3%)
04/06 Way/Coipel - 3,309 ( -20.2%)
05/06 —
06/06 Millar/McNiven - 7,668 (+131.7%)
06/06 Gaiman/Larroca - 5,449 ( -28.9%)
07/06 Kirkman/Land - 3,963 ( -27.3%)
08/06 Brubaker/Tan - 3,580 ( -9.7%)
6 mnth ( -39.8%)

Still sliding into oblivion, but reportedly the book is doing much better outside the direct market. Upcoming solicitations suggest a shift of focus, with an issue devoted to Ghost Rider.

kip months

05/06 #1 (of 7) - 331,669
06/06 #2 (of 7) - 312,931 (-5.6%)
07/06 #3 (of 7) - 303,638 (-3.0%)
08/06 —

Running late, although the knock-on effects haven’t really sunk in yet. Re-orders continue to mount up, with another 5,269 copies of issue #1, 12,967 copies of issue #2 and 12,929 of issue #3. That puts all three issues over the 300K mark, a remarkable achievement.

08/01 #34 - 79,588
08/02 #44 - 100,070
08/03 #56 - 92,277
08/04 #511 - 88,118
08/05 #523 - 72,046 ( -1.5%)
09/05 #524 - 71,065 ( -1.4%)
10/05 #525 - 91,707 (+29.0%)
11/05 #526 - 90,343 ( -1.5%)
12/05 #527 - 89,922 ( -0.5%)
01/06 #528 - 97,807 ( -8.8%)
02/06 #529 - 132,329 (+35.3%)
03/06 #530 - 101,226 (-23.5%)
04/06 #531 - 96,213 ( -5.0%)
05/06 #532 - 119,083 (+23.8%)
06/06 #533 - 135,798 (+14.0%)
07/06 #534 - 123,552 ( -9.0%)
08/06 —-

Late. Heavy re-order activity continues, as issue #533 picks up 7,064 re-orders, and issue #534 has another 10,030.

Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Scheint so! Und da die Civil War Ausgaben der Serie zudem auch die qualitativ besten waren, werden einige der CW-Exklusiv Leser auch an der Serie bleiben.

Überraschung? Du untertreibst. Der Erfolg dieser Serie verdient eine X-Akte bzw. ist einer der ungelösten Fälle des FBI. Mulder & Sculli übernehmen sie. Ich vermute eine Massenhypnose.

Die Serie profitiert ungemein von CW. Leider sind die Ausgaben ziemlich durchschnittlich, weshalb nicht all zuviele Leute an der Serie hängen bleiben werden.

McDuffie steht ja bereits in den Startlöchern.

Naja, kreativ wie kommerziell keine Offenbarung aber dennoch solide.

Carey verdient an dieser Serie mehr Leser. Ohne den "Bachalo-Störsender", der das Geniessen der bunten Bilder deutlich erschwert würden weit mehr Leute dran bleiben.

Frage: Wie stark ist der Niveau Unterschied zwischen Millar und Carey?

Antwort: 15539 Leser

Eine weitere Serie, die weit mehr Leser hat, als sie verdient.

Holy Shit! CW-Bonus hin oder her, eine solche Zahl hätte dieser "starlosen" Serie kaum jemand zugetraut. Ich bin schockiert

Stimmt, wobei die Enttäuschung rein kommerzieller Natur ist. Die Mini ist inhaltlich wie graphisch ganz grosse Klasse. Ich vermute mal, dass das Thema "Eternals" vielen Fans einfach zu obskur ist und man bei Gaiman lieber auf das Trade wartet.

Da sind die CW-Tie Ins gerade noch rechtzeitig gekommen. Glücklicherweise handelt es sich bei diesen Ausgaben um die wohl besten Ms Marvel Hefte. Hoffentlich bleiben ein paar Tausend Leute an Bord, denn die Serie ist imo ein klarer Anwärter auf den Titel: "Best new ongoing of the year".

Na, na Vao, so drastisch wird die Serie nicht fallen. Und ich bin immer noch der Meinung, das Moon Knight - wenn man nicht gerade Howard Chaykin als neuen Zeichner unter Vertrag nimmt - locker bis #30 kommt. Wetten dass Moon Knight länger überlebt als X-Factor?

Fast 40% Leser verloren? Das ist nun doch etwas heftig

Hervorragende Spidey Serie. Wird wohl stabil bei 50'000 bleiben.

PAD muss DRINGEND bessere Geschichten schreiben

Weiterhin unglaublich gute Zahle für eine Serie wie Daredevil. Neben Cap die einzige Serie, die nur aufgrund der hervorragenden Qualität an Leser gewinnt. Beide Serien schreibt Bru.

Gesunde Zahlen, die jedoch Paks gigantisches Hulk-in Space-Epos nicht gerecht werden. Ich gehe davon aus, dass der WW-Hulk-Effekt sich erst nächsten Monat bemerkbar macht.

Der Serie hätten ein paar Tausend Leser mehr sehr gut getan

Höher?????? Wieso denn das? Ich bin überrascht wie viele Leute sich bei diesen Zeichnungen und einem Fun-Inhalt ohne Continuity Wert zum Kauf haben hinreissen lassen.

Die Zahlen sind unglaublich enttäuschend, für diesen Charakter. Wahrscheinlich leidet die Serie momentan, weil sie so stark hinterher hinkt.

Ich wette, dass sich die CW-Tie Ins locker 100'000 mal pro Stück verkaufen werden. Damit wird es die Serie sein, die am meisten vom Event profitieren. Ist jemand anderer Meinung?

Eins muss man Ennis lassen, wie kein anderer sorgt er für solide Verkaufszahlen.

Wieder eine Serie, die kaum CW-Tie In Leser längerfristig halten konnte Schade, kaum eine Serie hätte es imo mehr verdient

Aha! Es gibt also doch noch Serien die sich schlecht verkaufen.


Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Das wäre nach derzeitigen Zahlen ja auch keine Überraschung. Aber X-Factor hat jetzt auch nicht gerade sonderlich beliebte Helden, von daher ... *schulter zuck* Aber bis # 30 halte ich immer noch für sehr optimitisch. Maximal bis #24 und selbst das wäre für eine heutige Moon Knight-Serie ziemlich lange.

Wie gesagt 2 Variants und dann halt der erwartungsgemäße Drop von der # 1 zur # 2.

Aber eben auch erst seit diesem Zeitraum. Die Zeiten wo Ennis mal gerade so knapp 100.000 Einheiten verkauft, sind auch schon lange vorbei.

Die letzten 3 Ausgaben waren besser als gewohnt. Dennoch, diese Serie werde ich wohl am Allerwenigsten vermissen.

Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:


Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Bei Moon Knight sollte man die CW Tie-In Ausgaben abwarten. Diese werden sicher noch für einen Anstieg der Verkaufszahlen sorgen. Vielleicht bleiben anschließend noch einige Leser an der Serie dran. Jetzt, nach der Verschiebung der nächsten Ausgaben, hat Marvel außerdem genügend Zeit sich etwas interessantes für den Post Civil War Storyarc zu überlegen.

Bei dem relativ hohen Drop von Ghost Rider stimme ich mit Jake Gallows überein. Das sind die Variants und der übliche Leserschwund nach der #1. Man kann die Zahlen auch mal mit Moon Knight vergleichen. Hier fand ein ähnlich großer Abfall statt. Ich gehe davon aus, dass Ghost Rider #3 wieder mehr verkauft, oder zumindest nicht abfällt. Der Auftritt von Doctor Strange dürfte doch einige Leser anlocken.

Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Ihr dürft nicht ausser Acht lassen, dass sich die Gesamtsituation auf dem Markt in den letzten 2 Jahren stark verändert hat. Serien wie Cable & Deadpool, Thunderbolts, Black Panther, She-Hulk etc. werden trotz schwacher Verkaufszahlen nicht gecancelt. Sogar kommerzielle Katastrophen wie MTU schaffen es mittlerweile bis #25.

Moon Knight wird langfristig sicherlich kein Top 10 Comic, aber vergessen wir nicht, dass der Charakter heutzutage wesentlich besser ankommt als z.B. Black Panther.

Selbstverständlich werden viele Finch Fans nach dessen Abgang die Serie verlassen, aber irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass sich Moon Knight ähnlich wie Exiles auf einem sehr gesunden Niveau einpendeln wird.

Gott sei Dank. Er kann lediglich eine Art Geschichte erzählen und diese hat er bereits perfekt mit Preacher umgesetzt. Seine gewalttätigen, zynischen und psychotischen Geschichten und Charaktere machen mich mittlerweile Krank.

Und Mr. Way ist auf den besten Weg, legitimer Nachfolger zu werden. Auch seine Geschichten werden immer berechenbarer.

Ketzer ! Ich hoffe Marvel zeigt genauso viel Geduld bei She-Hulk wie bei Spider-Girl und lässt die Serie bis #100 laufen, bevor sie dann gerelaunched wird


Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Doc Strange ist - glaube ich zumindest - kein Publikumsmagnet mehr. Für gewöhnlich dauert es 3-4 Monate - nach Wegfall der Variants - bis sich die Verkaufszahlen stabilisieren.

Aber gute Nachricht für Ghost Rider Fans: Die Serie wird nicht eingestellt, bis der Film in die Kinos kommt. Bis März 2007 habt ihr einen GR


Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's

Das wäre auch ziemlich schlechte PR für den Film, wenn die gleichnamige Comicserie wegen mangelndem Erfolg eingestellt wird. Ich glaube GR läuft noch länger, denn sonst hätte man sich den Zeichnerwechsel nach dem ersten Storyarc gespart.

Eine Frage: Wie schnell kann eine Serie eingestellt werden? Beendet Marvel einen Storyarc oder brechen die auch mal mitten drin ab.

Re: Monatliche Verkaufszahlen: Top 300 Issues / Top 100 TPB's


Für gewöhnlich wartet Marvel auf das Ende eines Storyarcs. So wurde vergangenes Jahr Serien wie Gambit, Nightcrawler oder Rogue nach dem Abschluss des zweiten Arcs (#12) eingestellt.

Aber auch bei Serien die länger liefen wie MK 4 (Übrigens JAKE, wieder ein hervorragendes Beispiel für eine Serie die es mit richtig üblen Verkaufszahlen bis zur #30 geschafft hat) und MTU wurde auf den Abschluss des Storyarcs gewartet.

Nun, kann es ausnahmsweise vorkommen, dass Marvel mitten in einem Arc oder in einer Mini die Handbremse zieht wie imo beim kläglichen Versuch einer Doc Samson Mini vor einigen Monaten. Aber in dem Fall gab es imo Probleme mit dem Autor.
