Tower of Babel Forum - A New Tower in the Making

ToB Remake

Re: ToB Remake

Very nice game indeed there an easy way to test a level, rather than play through the whole thing? I think that way we could split things up between us?

looks can be deceiving

Re: ToB Remake

Yes, I have been a little bit lazy here. A list is simpler to implement. We can talk about to have the same tower selection as we have in the original for a later time. The current version of RToB is only a more pre-alpha version.

Yes, I see. It is a bug, which should be tracked

Hehe, I didn't test the game on a dual monitor system yet, because I have no dual monitors at home...
I am using DirectX in my native engine and the enige starts the game on the primary adapter. As you see in the file there is already a "display.adapter" property. By default it is set to value 0 (use default primary adapter). You can change it to another index of the adapter. Later the property is also modfiable by the options screen inside game.
The "debug window" of the launcher tool is only a simple exe based on WinAPI, which starts a Java VM for the game. The debug window should be opened on the desktop of current adapter (primary or secondary).

I want to implement the same minimized game panel (free mouse look), which I have already implemented in the first implementation 2004-2006.

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Re: ToB Remake

I attached the "game.tob" library to this reply (copy it into /towers folder, you can load it into the editor for testing)

But I would prefer, that at least one person is playing through all towers, so we can ensure the game is playable in the right way.

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game.tob (272 kByte)
anzeigen - save
File was downloaded 31 times.

Re: ToB Remake

Updated version with bugfix (see above):

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 Re: ToB Remake


I am up to level 22 (I know I am being a little slow) and so far no issues. The worst thing I ran into is the explosion delay. It took me a while to figure out that while we can not see the explosion it does take time to clear...which is of course dead on

This is very cool!

Kind regards

looks can be deceiving

Re: ToB Remake

I am one third major issues yet. I think I'll leave it there for today ( very addictive.

looks can be deceiving

Re: ToB Remake

Thank you for the issues in the bugtracker.

You don't need to hurry up. I guess I will still need some months for the rest of all the stuff of programming ;-)

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Re: ToB Remake

First of all, thanks Mayo for the great job and for keeping it alive!

I don't have much time currently, but I hope I'll be able to do a few test runs also. First impression is great! Unfortunately, playing more than one level is impossible with Java 5 anyway.
I've posted the bug to bluebug.

By the way - happy new year everyone!

"Detective Bart Lasiter was in his office studying the light from his one small window falling on his super burrito when the door swung open to reveal a woman whose body said you've had your last burrito for a while, whose face said angels did exist, and whose eyes said she could make you dig your own grave and lick the shovel clean."

Re: ToB Remake

I guess the following link will point to the last version for next weeks, because my vacation will end this week... I hope I will get some time at some weekends...

The new version contains bugfixes and some additional features, like the "briefing screen" and the "hold button for UP action".

Updated to:

Thank you all for the tickets inside bugtracker. If you have additional bugs or feature requests, please tell me them inside tracker.

You can also test the tower designer ;-)

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Re: ToB Remake

Goodness! I go away a couple of weeks and all this awaits me when I get back!!

Downloading latest version. I will see how far I can get for you...